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Love's perfect match novel (Elspeth and Callum) novel Chapter 24

Chapter 24 Delirious

When the crisis was over, Elspeth immediately had Harper find out the person behind the incident. Sure enough, it was Ophelia who had bribed a reporter to obtain the photo before she posted it on the Internet.

Elspeth couldn’t help thinking that she must have taught the Flemings too small a lesson, which was why Ophelia still had the capability to pull these tricks.

“Harper, inform everyone that all the contracts between Azure and the Fleming Group have been terminated. We will not cooperate with them in the future. The current collaborations will be canceled with immediate effect. It doesn’t matter how much the compensation for the liquidated damages is.”

Harper’s face turned frigid as he complained, “I just knew it was Ophelia again. Don’t worry, Miss Elspeth. I won’t let the Fleming Group off the hook just like this.”

In a way, the Fleming Group had lost one of their biggest income streams of at least billions of dollars without the Azure Corporation.

The Azure Corporation’s announcement of their cooperation with the Fleming Group had aroused Callum’s doubts.

When he noticed how the Fleming Group would get into trouble whenever something happened to Elspeth, he couldn’t help but wonder if Harper was helping her take revenge on Ophelia.

Callum and Elspeth had just finalized the final plan today, and Elspeth was about to leave when Callum suddenly stopped her.

“Elspeth, I have a question.”

Ever since the last time he suspected her, she didn’t feel like talking to him unless it was about business. “Don’t say anything if it is personal.”

“Are you the one who pulled the strings to put the Fleming Group into this mess?”

Elspeth paused for a brief moment before she suddenly laughed. “What? You think I am powerful enough to bring down a giant like the Fleming Group?”

Hearing that, Callum said with a serious face, “Even if you don’t, Harper Summerfield and Azure Corporation do. Elspeth, Ophelia might be unlikable, but you don’t need to do this to her.”

“You sure do care about her, Mr. Winthrop. You are even trying to find out who is responsible on her behalf.” Elspeth’s gaze was colder than ice.

Having been accused, Callum let out a frown.

“Also…” Elspeth added, “Do you really think Ophelia is as innocent as you think she is?”

To that, Callum stated in a low voice, “I don’t think she has a bad nature.” He still remembered how upset Ophelia was for the longest time after she stepped on an ant when they were children.

What more can I say then? She then stood up without a hint of emotion on her face. “The Fleming Group’s predicament and the Azure Corporation’s cancellations of collaboration have nothing to do with me. If you insist on figuring out who is behind this, Mr. Winthrop, why don’t you give the president of the Azure Corporation a call and ask for the details, instead of picking a bone with your employee here?”

After throwing that out, she turned around, and they parted on bad terms.

It would soon be the Winthrop Group’s anniversary banquet, where many celebrities and distinguished guests would be invited. And so, Callum entrusted Ophelia with the task of planning the banquet.

When Elspeth learned of this, her hand that was writing lightly trembled. It turns out he likes her. No wonder he tries so hard to protect her. It is because she has his heart.

Elspeth didn’t know where this thought came from, but it was upsetting.

After work, she immediately gave Harper a call and invited him to have a drink at a bar.

He couldn’t help but smile as he looked at the sparkling alcohol in his hand when they were in Luna Bar. “Even someone like you can be in a bad mood, huh? What is the matter? Did the Winthrops mess with you?”

Elspeth downed her drink as she muttered, “I told you that won’t happen.”

Harper rolled his eyes at that. “Why did you invite me over for this gloomy drinking session then?”

She hooked a finger and knocked his head with it. “It is either you drink, or scram.”

“I am drinking, alright? Drinking. Geez…”

Elspeth soon started feeling tipsy after she drank glass after glass of alcohol.

All that alcohol in her system must have done something to her courage when she suddenly proposed to play a game of truth or dare.

“Whoever the bottle points at has to go pick up someone, and if you fail, you have to drink three more glasses!”


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