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Love's perfect match novel (Elspeth and Callum) novel Chapter 30

Chapter 30 Refusing to Sign the Contract

The day of Max’s birthday soon came, and the Winthrops invited Ophelia to attend the birthday party.

When Max opened the gift from Ophelia during the gift-opening segment, he exclaimed in surprise, “Wow, this racing suit is really nice! Thank you so much! I hope you brought it without breaking your bank account.”

Ophelia smiled. “You’re welcome. It’s not very expensive.” Then, she cast a smug glance at Elspeth.

When it came to Elspeth’s gift, it was merely a tiny box.

“Elspeth, don’t you think you’re a little too stingy—” Ophelia feigned confusion as she started bringing Elspeth’s so-called ‘miserliness’ to light.

Max unwrapped the gift and saw a car key inside. “Oh my goodness!” he shrieked in excitement. “This is my favorite car! This is the only one in the world, and you can’t buy it even if you have all the money in the world! Elspeth, you’re the best! How did you pull this off?!”

Max was ecstatic. For him, this gift was the best present he had received!

Ophelia looked at the racing suit and quickly realized that her gift was the shabby one in comparison.

“Well, Miss Fleming, you are wealthy indeed to think of my gift as nothing,” Elspeth mocked.

Ophelia lowered her head in embarrassment as she glared fiercely at Elspeth.

Callum’s gift was the segment’s finale, and Max highly anticipated just what he would receive this year. So, when he unwrapped the square box, he was surprised when he saw that all it contained was an asset transfer contract.

“You’ve always liked Death Canyon, haven’t you? You’re an adult from today onwards, so this is my welcome gift to the adult world.” The gift from Callum was equally surprising.

As a result, Callum’s generosity made the presents Max had received from Edmund, Arthur, and Blake seem less note-worthy.

When the party ended, Theodore asked the driver to send Ophelia home. As she gazed at the sky outside, she muttered, “Mr. Winthrop, can you please let Callum send me home? It’s getting dark outside, and I’m a little scared.”

“Sorry,” Callum politely refused, “I may not have time to send you home because there are some things I need to deal with later.”

“Is that so…” Ophelia smiled awkwardly. “Okay then. I’d better go back by myself.”

“Callum!” Margot snapped in dismay. “Ophelia has requested you to send her home. Go.”

“But, Mom—” Callum’s eyes sank in displeasure, and he remained unmoved.

“No buts! Are you trying to piss me off?!” Margot barked furiously, covered her chest, and began to gasp. “Sooner or later, I’ll die of a heart attack because of all of you!”

Her threat worked as Callum reluctantly sent Ophelia home.

Along the way, Ophelia, who sat in the front passenger seat, lowered her head shyly. “Callum, thanks for sending me home.”

“You’re welcome. I’m just doing what I was told.” He focused on the road and did not even bat an eye at her.

She was taken aback by his cold attitude. Then, she bit her lower lip and muttered, “Y-You liked me very much when we were kids, though. You often held my hand, took me to the playground, and dined in nice restaurants. Have you forgotten?”

He pursed his lips in annoyance. “That was all in the past. Also, you’re younger than me, so I should take care of you.”

“But, I—” She suddenly turned her head, her eyes full of tears. “I like you! I have liked you for almost ten years.”


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