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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 101

Her mother's eyes widened.

“A…Alpha" He glared at her.

“Do you know she's the only reason why I haven't killed you and your husband? If I were you, I'd be thankful to her" Her mother pursed her lips then crawled over to Zane and grabbed his leg.

“Samantha didn't mean any harm by what she did. Although I don't support her, can't you both find it in your hearts to forgive her? I've not heard from my daughter for weeks now" Kiara frowned.

“What about me? You didn't hear from me for two and half years but did you even care?" Kiara couldn't believe that this woman was her mother. There had to be a mistake somewhere.

“Am I even your daughter? Because you or father don't treat me like one. All my life I've been like a stranger to you both" Her mother scoffed.

“That's because you were the cause of our downfall, Kiara. The minute I had you, everything went downhill for your father and I. We just kept looking one thing after another mad The Alpha at that time won't even give us a steady Job and we had you to take care of. We suffered a lot because of you but as soon as we gave birth to Samantha, she was like a blessing. Everything turned right and we gained back the life we used to have" Kiara scoffed but the pain in her eyes was so evident.

“So I was a misfortune to my own parents? That's why you both hated me so much? I can't believe it. You could have just killed me as a child if I was such a burden then!" She screamed out in anger then stormed off.

Zane stared down at her mother with disgust.

“How can you say that about your own daughter? You should be ashamed of yourself. You better hope she's not crying or I'm coming back here and making sure you'll regret your decisions for the rest of your life" Her mother gasped as her face instantly turned white. He rolled her eyes then ran after Kiara.

“Kiara?" He called out but got no reply in return. He called out for the second time but still no response.

He sighed and was about to yell out her name when he caught her scent. He followed it and found her seated on a boulder.

He immediately walked up to her and grabbed her hand as he stared at her face worriedly.

“Are you okay? If you want I can go teach her a lesson and…" Kiara chuckled.

“That won't be necessary. They were dead to me already. I just didn't expect her to say something like that but it's all cool, I'm over it already" His kissed her forehead then the tip of her nose.

“Okay my love. Let's go back home?" She nodded then he helped her down from the boulder and they both walked out of the woods.


By the time they got back to Kiara's house, she had already fallen asleep. He parked the car in front of the house then turned to her. A smile appeared on his face and he found himself staring at her for what felt like hours. Gosh, he could do this all day. She was perfect and she was his again.

After a while, he decided to take her into the house since she seemed uncomfortable sleeping on the car seat.

He carried towards the room they had had sex last night and placed her on the bed gently then covered her with the blanket since it was getting cold and the Air conditioner was on.

He helped her take off her shoe then her coat before taking off his and climbing in next to her. He pulled her closer then placed a kiss on her forehead.


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