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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 104

“Can I ask why? You used to always want children so… so what happened?" She turned to him with a frown.

“I lost my child" Zane's eyes widened. He had a feeling it had something to do with their dead son. She grabbed both her head and stared into her eyes.

“We lost our child due to my negligence, Kiara and I promise, if you get pregnant again, we'll have the best doctors and nurses watch over you so nothing can go wrong" She shook her head.

“I don't want to take that risk. If…if I lose my child again, I'm not going to be able to get over it. I won't get over it" He stared at her for a while then began caressing her face.

“You are scared and it's okay, it's understandable because I'm scared as well but Kiara, I know you want kids. You have always wanted kids. Are you going to let this fear stop you from achieving that?" She stared up at him and he immediately kissed away the lone tear that slipped down her face.

“I'm scared, Zane. I don't think I can do it" He sighed then patted her hair.

“Don't cry, okay? I won't force you to do anything. We can always adopt or go through surrogacy so there are a lot of options, okay?" She stared into his eyes and knew even though he didn't want to say it, he wanted her to carry their child.

She sighed then wrapped her arms around him.

“Let's drop this topic for now, okay?" He nodded then hugged her tightly.

“Go get ready so I'll drop you off at Levi's office. If anything happens, call me immediately" She nodded but was reluctant to pull away from the hug. She loved his scent so much and just felt like burying her nose in his skin.

After a while, she had to pull away and stretch a little before standing up from the bed and walking towards the bathroom. She made sure to close the door behind her this time then turned on the shower and had her bath with a million thoughts running through her head.

After she was done, she wrapped a towel around her body and hair before walking out of the bathroom.

As soon as Zane saw her, a smile appeared on his face and he stood up from the bed before walking towards her. She giggled as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed the tip of her nose.

“We are not doing this right now, Zane. We both have somewhere to be" He pouted.

“I'll be quick" She rolled her eyes.

“You are never quick, Zane. Besides I've already had my bath and I don't want to be sticky so let me go" She murmured as she pulled herself out of his hold and ran out of the room to her room since the room they had been staying in was a guest room.

Zane sighed then walked into the bathroom to have his bath. By the time he was done, Kiara was dressed and was seated on the bed reading a novel to pass by time. She dropped the book as she began to salivate over his naked body. Gosh, she really made a mistake coming here to wait for him.

Noticing her stare, Zane let out a chuckle as he walked over to her.

“You like what you see right?" Her head was just directly opposite his cock and she knew he knew what he was going because he kept jerking his waist forward. She groaned and fell back on the bed.


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