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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 113

Levi's father went silent on the other side.

“Excuse me? What did you just say?" Levi raised his chin. Kiara had told him to stand up for himself and that was exactly what he was going to do. His father couldn't control him anymore.

“That mafia was left behind for me by my mother and you have no right to run it at my expense. I'll be coming to Italy to stake my claim in a few days and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it" Then he hung up and took a deep breath. That had to be one of the hardest things he had ever done in his life but it was totally worth it.

He smiled as a wave of confidence suddenly washed over him. This was the start of a new era for him. He wasn't going to be a coward again so he could make Kiara proud.

Just then, his phone ran and he thought it was going to be his father but it was his brother, Sebastian. He sighed then picked.

“Are you here to taunt me, Brother?" Levi said into the phone and Sebastian chuckled.

“Why would I taunt you when you made us all proud just now by standing up to Dad?" Levi's eyes widened slightly.

“You were all there?" Sebastian chuckled.

“No but father can't stop talking about it which means you really got under his skin even more than usual" Levi sighed.

“It's time I fight for my rights because I can't continue being a coward," Sebastian laughed.

“It's good to know you know you're being a coward" Levi rolled his eyes.

“The point is I'll be coming to Italy soon to get my title and father isn't going to be able to stop me"

“I believe in you brother but just know I'm breaking your arm when you get here. Shits still hurt and it turned out we did all that for nothing because I heard you're not helping us get into Zane's pack?" Levi sighed.

“My mother does deserve to be avenged but not this way. He wants to kill innocent lives that had nothing to do with my mother's death and I don't think that's right" Sebastian chuckled.

“You can't be a weak leader, Levi" He rolled his eyes.

“Being compassionate doesn't make me weak, Sebastian. We are just going to cause a war if we raid the wolves" Sebastian sighed.

“Let's just hope it all goes exactly how you want it and take care of yourself and that girl. She might need the protection more than you do because father knows she is the only way to get to you and Zane" Levi nodded.

“I understand"

“And hey, Just because we follow father's orders doesn't mean we don't care about you but we are just like you, scared. He's a dangerous man and we just found it easier to listen to him. I'm glad you want to stand up to him though and maybe there's a brighter future for all of us" Levi smiled slightly.

“Yeah, goodbye brother" Then he hung up before letting out a sigh. He wouldn't be able to protect Kiara when he goes back to Italy and he knew the only way they would be able to defeat his father was to fight him with his own technique and Levi knew exactly what to do"


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