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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 120

Daniel's eyes immediately widened when Heather barged into the hospital room with Liam behind her.

“Heather" He breathed out but she didn't even turn to him because her sole attention was on Kiara.

Heather gasped lightly then ran over to Kiara's side and grabbed her hand.

“What the hell happened to you? Are you okay? I heard you were kidnapped? By who? I thought Zane had some men watching over you?" Kiara giggled at how worried Heather sounded.

“There's no need for you to worry anymore, I'm better now" Heather pouted.

“I feel so bad. Maybe if I hadn't left you, you…"

“Don't think that, there's nothing you could have done. Let's all just be glad that I'm safe and sound" Heather sighed then wrapped her arms not too tightly around Kiara's body so as not to hurt her.

After a while, she pulled away with a sigh.

“I still feel bad for leaving though. I just wanted to clear my head" Kiara nodded.

“I understand perfectly so you don't have to explain. Can I rest now? I'm really tired" Zane immediately moved closer to her and helped Kiara lay back on the bed comfortably then covered her with the blanket.

“Can you all excuse us? Kiara should probably take a nap now" He muttered. Heather and Levi were hesitant to leave but after seeing Zane wasn't going to let them stay no matter what they said, they all walked out of the room.

As soon as they got out, Levi excused himself to pick up a phone call, leaving Daniel, Heather and Liam together.

An awkward silence was exchanged between them till Daniel let out a sigh.

“So how have you both been?" He questioned turning Liam's attention to him but Heather refused to look at him.

“We were doing just fine till this happened. How did she get kidnapped anyways?" Daniel sighed.

”It's a long story" His eyes trailed towards Heather who still refused to stare at him then he let out a sigh.

“Can I talk to you for a second, Heather? There are a lot of things I'd like to say to you before but you took off before I could say them" Liam frowned then wrapped his arms around her shoulder and pulled her closer.

“She doesn't want to talk to you and if you have anything to say to her, you can say it in front of me, can't you?" Daniel frowned.

“No, I can't. This is between Heather and I so I'd appreciate it if you stopped butting into our business" At that moment, Heather turned to him with a frown.

“You and I have no business together, Daniel" He frowned and at that moment he wanted to punch the smirk off Liam's face.

“I know. After this, I won't disturb you again. After this, I'll accept the fact that you chose Liam over me but please, just let me talk to you" She eyed him suspiciously then after a while, she let out a sigh and turned to Liam.


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