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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 122

Levi sighed into his phone as he listened to his brother scold him.

“Can you stop yelling at me?" Levi muttered, making Sebastian sigh.

“I didn't get beaten up by that wolf just to have you mess things up for crying out loud" Levi sighed.

“Father was going to have her killed. I just couldn't sit around and do nothing. Heck it was because of me he was even able to capture her in the first place. I'll think of another plan but using Kiara as bait is out of it" Sebastian sighed.

“Father is losing his shit over here and you do know he will be coming for you, right?" Levi nodded. Of course he knew but he wasn't as afraid of his father as he was before and was ready to do whatever he could to bring him down.

“I just need to know that you and the rest are behind me. Together and with the help of Zane, we can bring him down, I'm sure of it" Sebastian went silent for a while then he let out a sigh.

“I hope I don't end up regretting trusting you because I won't take it lightly when your plans fail again" Levi smirked.

“If this ends up failing, if father or Zane doesn't kill me first then you can go ahead and kill me"

Heather stared at Liam with wide eyes as her heart began to race dangerously fast. It almost felt like she was about to have a heart attack.

“Liam, let me exp…."

“Were you with me when you had sex for with him?" She pursed her lips.

“Liam please, I…"

“I asked you a damned question!! Were you with me when you fucked Daniel?!!" He boomed and she Unconsciously took a step back while staring at him with wide eyes. She felt like she couldn't even recognize the man in front of her.

“Liam, let me explain, I.." He clenched his fist as he grinded his teeth.

“How dare you? I gave you everything but yet, you went to him after being with me?! You lied to me!" Just then, Levi and Daniel walked towards them with furrowed eyebrows. Even Zane had to come out of the room because of how much Liam was shouting.

“What the fuck is going on and why are your screaming like a maniac, Liam?" Zane questioned with a stern look on his face but Liam's eyes were on Heather who had tears running down her cheeks.

“I didn't lie to you, Liam. I love you and…" She reached out to hold him but he pushed her so hard that she fell to the ground letting out a gasp.

“Are you fucking insane?" Daniel questioned as he ran to her side and tried holding her up but she pushed him away and stood up from the ground by herself. Daniel frowned but didn't say anything.

“Liam, I know you are angry right now but believe me, I love you and I chose you, didn't I?" He stared at her for a while then scoffed.


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