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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 130

“Well I'll be taking my woman off your hands now" Zane uttered then glanced down at Kiara with a smile.

“As much as I would like to go home and have my beauty sleep, I won't feel good leaving Levi to clean up the mess we both created alone" Zane furrowed his eyebrows then tilted his head at Kiara.

“He has Maids, Kiara. He won't clean it up himself" She sighed then folded her arms.

“Can't you see the mess? I won't feel good leaving it for them when they weren't the ones who created the mess" Zane sighed. Why did Kiara have to be so kind hearted?

He leaned down and placed a kiss on the tip of her nose.

“Although your kind heartedness is one of the reasons I love you, it's getting late and I don't think Levi's maids are complaining, right Levi?" They both turned to Levi and he nodded with a smile.

“I hardly ever make a mess so this shouldn't bother them, don't worry" She sighed then nodded at Levi before turning back to Zane.

”Okay then. I had expected Liam to be with you" Zane nodded.

“He was but then he immediately went upstairs to be with Heather. They should be down in a second" Levi furrowed his eyebrows.

“How did he know she was upstairs?" Zane raised an eyebrow.

“He's a wolf" Realization dawned on Levi's face and he let out a nervous laugh.

“Oh, I had forgotten about that for a second," Zane nodded, then grabbed Kiara's hand and led her out of the room. At the same time, Heather and Liam walked down the stairs.

“I guess we are ready to leave?" Liam commented with a smile as he held onto Heather's hand and walked over to Zane and Kiara.

“Wait, I have to tell Levi goodbye " Heather uttered then walked into the kitchen, leaving the three of them.

“Zane, Daniel said he had been trying to reach you?" Zane raised his eyebrow then brought out his phone and saw that Daniel had in fact been trying to reach him and since he had blocked everyone except Kiara out of his head, Daniel was unable to mind link him.

“Wait here while I call him, Kiara" Zane muttered then walked away from them.as he dialed Daniel's number.

Daniel picked after the third ring.

“I've been trying to reach you" Daniel immediately said, making Zane sigh.

“I heard. What do you need?"

“I just wanted you to know that I've left and I'm almost at the cabin" Zane nodded slowly.

“You are sure no one is following you, right?"

“Positive. I should be there before sunrise" Zane nodded.

“Okay, take care" Zane muttered then hung up before walking back to Kiara and Daniel.

“You do know we could hear you, right?" Liam uttered, making Zane roll his eyes.

“I don't care. All I want right now is to lay in your arms, Kiara so let's go home" Zane muttered then grabbed onto his hand and led her towards his car.

After a while, Heather and Liam came out and climbed into the car as well.

“Took you long enough" Zane muttered under his breath as he started the car. Kiara glared at him then turned to Heather.


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