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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 150

Kiara smiled as Heather walked into the room.

“Hey. It feels like I haven't seen you in forever, Heather" Kiara uttered as Heather wrapped her arms around her.

“Me too, Kiara. I missed you so much and I'm glad you're no longer in chains even though I would prefer if you were free to walk around" Kiara smiled.

“Don't worry, I'm okay like this. I get to eat good food and the rope is not that tight. At least I know after this, our lives will be better again" Heather pursed her lips then pulled a chair forward and sat down in front of Kiara.

“Kiara, I wanted to…"

“How's the baby?" Kiara interjected as she placed her hand on Heather's stomach.

“The baby is okay, I felt it kick today" A bright smile appeared on Kiara's face.

“That's good to hear. It might feel very uncomfortable at first but trust me, you'll be aching to feel it soon" Heather smiled then nodded.

“I know. I wanted to talk to you about something, Kiara" Kiara tilted her head with a questioning look.

“Oh? What is it about?" Heather bit her lower lip then let out a sigh.

“I need you to talk Zane out of this war" A pin drop silence filled the air as Kiara stared at Heather in shock.

“I'm sorry, what?" Heather sighed.

“I know it doesn't sound right but listen, I…"

“Are you listening to yourself? You should be the one to talk Liam out of it. He's the one that started all this and now you want me to tell Zane to back down? That basically means he surrenders" Heather frowned.

“No, that's not what I meant. You'll talk we to Zane and I'll try my best to talk to Liam. This isn't going to end well for any of us and I really think…"

“The war is going to happen, Heather. Liam won't back down and as long as he doesn't, Zane and Daniel won't as well. Stop trying to see the good in him" Heather's frown deepened.

“But he is good. I can feel it. There's just something wrong with him now but if he believes that he's heard and not underestimated, he's going to change"


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