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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 161

Zane winced as he stood up from the ground. If it were anyone else that had wounded him, he would have healed a second but it was different with Liam.

“Daniel? Are you okay?!" Zane yelled as he turned to Daniel who was still lying motionless on the ground.

Zane cussed them and tried running up to him but the growl of Liam stopped him in his tracks. He slowly turned around and saw that the monster was staring directly at him but before it could charge at him, Levi snapped his fingers and bullets after bullets came charging towards the monster but they didn't seem to have any effect.

It just seemed like the bullet was causing the monster discomfort.

“Go get Daniel, we'll distract him!" Levi yelled as he fired shots with two guns at the monster.

Zane nodded then hurriedly ran towards Daniel to check if he was okay.

“Daniel" He called out as he lifted him off the ground. As soon as he raised him, Zane gasped as the huge slashed across Daniel's chest. That wasn't good.

“I'm… I'm…. Loo...sing a.. lot of blood" Daniel mumbled as he opened up the only good eye to stare at Zane.

“Don't worry, we'll get you to the hospital soon. We'll finish this up quickly and…"

“I'm not sure I'm going to make it, Zane" Zane frowned then grabbed onto Daniel's face at the same time the monster growled angrily.

“Listen to me, to have to fight, okay? You can't die like this” Then Zane pulled out the spelled dagger.

“All I have to do is stab the Monster in the heart with this and this will all be over" Daniel didn't say anything and just flashed Zane a slow smile.

Suddenly Behind them, multiple screams were heard as Liam charged towards Levi's men and began killing them despite the fact that they were firing at him.

Liam was even killing the men he had brought with him.

“I've got to go, rest here" Zane muttered as he gently placed Daniel's body against the bench behind him then he ran towards the fight.

At that moment, the monster reached out and tried to grab Levi but Levi swiftly brought out his Knife and slashed out the monster's hand with it.

The monster let out a growl filled with pain before turning angrily towards Levi but he could get Levi, Zane jumped on the monster's back and began slicing it continuously with another dagger.

The monster howled then reached behind to grab Zane and threw him to the ground before stomping on him.

Zane grimaced. It felt like his organs were being crushed.

Levi watched the scene as he contemplated on what to do. If the monster continued doing that, he was going to crush Zane to death.

“Hey monster! Over here" Levi yelled as he cocked his gun and ran towards the monster and Zane. He didn't know where this Adrenaline was coming from. He was no match for the monster but he couldn't see a friend in need of help and not try to help.

That moment felt like it was in slow motion as the monster turned towards Levi.

“Levi, No!" Zane yelled as the monster stuck his hand into Levi's stomach.

Levi's eyes widened as he coughed out blood but that didn't stop him from raising his hand and shooting the monster right in the heart.

The monster retracted its hand as it let out a scream while Levi fell on his knees with blood gushing out of his stomach.


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