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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 21

Chapter twenty one

Zane stared at Levi for a while then scoffed.

"Did I just hear you say you love her?" Levi nodded with clenched jaws.

"I love Kiara and I will pursue her” If staying away from Kiara was the only way Zane was going to invest in his company then that was it then, his father could do his worst. He wasn't giving up on Kiara.

"Besides," Levi began, "Our relationship with Kiara should not affect or be brought into our professional relationship. This is a business between our companies and Kiara doesn't need to be involved’ Zane just scowled at him. He loved her?

"Kiara loves me" Zane stated with a smug look on his face. "And she'll never fall in love with you so give up while you're at it, Levi’ But Levi just smiled then folded his arms.

"Why do I feel like you're threatened by me, Mr Black?’ Zane scoffed.

"Me? Be threatened by someone like you?" Levi nodded.

"I spend more time with Kiara than you have in years and she's more comfortable in my presence and doesn't feel like running away unlike when she's close to you’ Zane clenched his fist then laughed. This fucking Mafia dog was starting to get on his nerve.

"She may be trying to get away from me now but she's mine, Kiara has always been mine and there’s nothing you can do to change that" Levi nodded.

"Fair. If Kiara chooses to be with you then I'll leave her alone but till then, I'll continue to pursue her and I hope we can both keep loving her without it interfering with our business" Zane slammed his fist on the table as he rode up from his chair.

He tried his hardest to fight back his wolf who wanted nothing more than to rip out Levi's heart at that moment.

"You have known her for two weeks, I've known her since I was a child. My love for her can't be measured with yours" Levi smiled.

"If you loved her so much, why did you break up with her?" Zane furrowed his eyebrows.

"You don't know what you're talking about"

"I don't even want to know, Mr Black" Levi interjected with a raised eyebrow.

"I know it must hurt to know that you're the past of someone as beautiful and awesome as Kiara and I get it but it's my turn to love her. You had your chance and you threw it away" Zane clenched his teeth as his fingers dug into his skin.

"Let me kill him!" His wolf yelled so loud in his head that Zane had to take his seat to calm himself down.

"Are you okay?" Levi questioned as he stared at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"Leave, leave immediately" Levi frowned.

"I'm not leaving till you say you're going to invest" Zane bit his lower lip as he felt his fangs forcing its way out.

"I will. Now, leave!" Levi was surprised by his outburst but he nevertheless left.

As soon as he was gone, Zane's wolf calmed down a little but he could still feel the urge to kill Levi.

He laid back on his seat then let out a sigh as he massaged his temples.

'You're her past'

'You had your chance and you threw it away'

'It's my time to love her*

Those words kept echoing inside Zane's head that he felt he was going crazy.

Fine. If Levi wanted to be Kiara's present then so be it but he was going to make sure he had had his fill of her and make her go through the same pain he went through before she could love anyone else.

Days passed and it was finally time for their vacation. Kiara was even more excited than Heather and couldn't stop gushing over how fun and therapeutic the vacation was going to be.


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