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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 58

Levi glanced at himself in the mirror then sighed. Ever since he got that call from his father, he has just been gloomy. He knew Zane was there to protect Kiara but he just couldn't stop himself from worrying about her.

He had to fight the urge to call her several times because he didn't want to feel like he was bothering her but he was worried. He had tried reaching out to Heather so she would check up on Kiara but he couldn't get to Heather.

He sighed then shook his head.

“That's enough. You're going to go to the office, get work done and not have a shitty day like you have been having for the past couple of days, got it?" He told himself through the mirror then forced out a smile on his face before buttoning up his suit and walking out of the room.

As he walked out of the mansion, His guards greeted him and so did his chauffeur.

“To the office, right Boss?" His Chauffeur asked and he nodded before climbing into the car.

As they drove towards the company, an unsettling feeling fell down on him. He didn't know what but something didn't feel right.

“I hope you had this car serviced?" He questioned his chauffeur who immediately nodded.

“Yes Boss. I even double checked this morning" Levi sighed as he laid his back on the seat. His father had cut his brakes in the past and he had gotten into nasty accidents because of his Father so his guards and driver knew to check his car thoroughly.

So if his father hadn't done something to his car, why was he feeling this way?

He checked behind him and his guards were driving close behind him so if his father planned an attack on him, with the amount of guards with him, he'd get out untouched…. Maybe with a few bruises but he won't die at least.

To his relief and dismay, he got to the company untouched. He furrowed his eyebrows as he climbed out of the car then he glanced around. Why was he having this feeling then?

He walked into the office and as usual, everyone bowed their heads at him and wished him a good day and he smiled back at them.

He sighed then shook his head. Maybe he was just overthinking things because everything seemed normal.

As he walked towards his office with his guards behind him, he noticed his secretary wasn't in her seat and she was always there before became in.

He ignored it and was about walking into his office when he caught the scent of a stench. What the heck was that?

He stared at his door for a while then pushed it open and immediately gagged at the image in front of him.

His secretary's naked mutilated body was on his desk and a stick was stuck into her skill with an envelope on it.

His guards immediately jumped in front of him and began calling for backup.

“Don't worry boss, we'll check the CCTV camera and catch whoever did this" Levi frowned. His instincts have never been wrong and this just proved that.

He walked around his guards and examined the body with a grimace on his face. It seemed she had been raped before she was killed.

He turned away from the body and reached out for the envelope. With shaky hands, he took out the letter and read it.

‘Time is ticking, son. You know, I have a picture of that Kiara girl and might I say she's very beautiful and now I understand why you're attracted to her and I'm not again your relationship with her because Zane happens to like her as well but if you keep letting my plans fail, I'll have no choice but to have what has been done to your secretary to her. I'll hurt you and Zane and that seems like a win win to me. Again, time is ticking'

Levi clenched his fist and gritted his teeth after reading the letter. He knew his father was vile but gosh! This was next level.

“Have this cleaned up immediately" He muttered to his guards then walked out of the office. He couldn't bear being in there because Everytime he stared at his Secretary's naked body, he imagined her as Kiara and that image was going to hunt his dreams forever.


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