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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 62

Zane woke up to the sound of his phone ringing. He frowned slightly then turned to his night stand, grabbed his phone and received it so the Ringing wouldn't disturb Kiara who was sleeping peacefully beside him.

“Alpha" Zane's eyes turned stormy. He slowly got out of the bed then walked out of the room. He walked into the kitchen and closed the door so Kiara couldn't hear him.

“How dare you keep something as important as this away from him?" He harshly whispered into the phone and he heard Daniel sigh.

“I just didn't want to disturb you and Kiara so I tried doing things on my own but we need you, Zane" Zane ran his fingers through his hair with a sigh.

“I can't just leave, I'll be back after the Vacation. It's three days remaining. Just take care of everything and keep looking for clues. Also, start training our warriors because I ordered all wolves to move into our pack. Be accommodating and if the houses aren't enough, build more immediately"

“Copy that, Alpha. I'll get right on that" Zane nodded then hung up before letting out a sigh. He wasn't ready to leave just yet. He felt like if they left here, their perfect fantasy would end.

He turned around and his eyes widened when Kiara walked into the kitchen with a yawn.

“My love, Good morning" He murmured. She walked up to him with a smile then wrapped her arms around him.

“Good morning. Are we going anywhere today?" He grinned then leaned down and placed a kiss on her lips but that kiss soon turned into something hot and Zane began kissing her hungrily.

Kiara immediately matched his energy and by the time he pulled away from the kiss, her clothes were already on the ground.

“I'd prefer to be buried inside you for the rest of the day" He murmured huskily into her ear then hurled her up and placed her on the table beside him.

She bit her lip with a smile then helped him push down his trouser.

“I can't wait" He slammed his lips on hers as his hand roamed her body.

She moaned as he licked and sucked every part of her body like he couldn't get enough. She rubbed her nipples with her fingers as he fingered her. Their moans and how wet she was was all that could be heard in the kitchen.

“Fuck yes!" She cried out as he slammed his cock into her then she leaned down and slammed her lips on his while he thrusted into her mercilessly.

“Yes, my love, fuck yes" He groaned then quickened up his pace and she sunk her fingers into his hair as she let out a moan.

“I'm cuming… I'm going to cum" She muttered breathlessly and groaned when He quickened his pace. With one final stroke, she dug her fingers into his skin and let out a groan as they both came at the same time.

Both their breathing was erratic as they laid their forehead on each other's, none of them wanting to move from that position.

“I think I'd rather stay in your arms today as well" She murmured then placed a kiss on his lips. He smiled at her then slowly pulled out of her before letting out a sigh.

“Hopefully, I won't be disturb by anyone today"


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