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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 81

Zane grimaced while Daniel covered his nose and mouth as they took in the sight in front of them.

“What the fuck happened here?" Zane questioned as he squatted down and tried to find any clue on the bodies but that was impossible because the bodies had Been torn and shredded into pieces.

“I have no idea, Alpha and I can't even identify the bodies but I don't think they were killed by the same group of hunters tormenting wolves. This seems so much more bigger" Zane slowly straightened up and with a sigh before turning to Leo.

“Or whatever they have been trying to create has been created and it did this" Daniel frowned.

“This isn't good, this situation is getting out of hand and we need to do something about it now" Zane nodded slowly.

“But first, I need to know how many bodies are in this pile and their gender immediately," Leo nodded.

“I'll get right on it, Alpha" With that, Leo ran away leaving Zane and Daniel together. They both stood there for a while, each of them with their own thoughts.

“We have to search every nook and cranny of this Country, especially this city because it's here now and we can't afford a killing spree" Daniel nodded.

“I'll have some of the team searching the whole country while we'll focus on here. Whatever that monster is, it's obvious something menacing and strong. I've estimated that the amount of bodies here should be about five and it looked like they weren't even given a chance to fight" Zane turned to Daniel and grabbed him by the shoulder.

“Relax, okay? We shouldn't be thinking about how strong this creature might be but about how we can catch and defeat it" Daniel took a deep breath then nodded.

“Okay" Zane was about to turn away when he heard Leo's frantic voice in his head.

‘Mathew just mind linked me and he said the monster in the city and that many other wolves and even humans have died but it seems to be going towards something and practically kills anything that's standing in it's way' Zane's eyes widened slightly then he turned to Daniel.

“Kiara, I have to protect her," Daniel grabbed his hand before he could run away.

“What's going on? Did Leo say something to you just now?" Zane nodded.

“The monster is in town and it's killing any being that gets in his way. I have to protect Kiara" Before Daniel could get the word out, Zane dashed away without even turning back, making Daniel sigh.

“Kiara is always the first person on his mind" Daniel muttered as he ran after him but he couldn't help but worry about Heather too. He hoped she was okay.

Heather squealed then twirled as they stood in front of the mall.

“Oh how long has it been since I've been here? I miss this place" Levi chuckled.

“Well I hope you ladies can find your way around. I would have loved to stay but I have work to do" Kiara turned to him with a smile.

“You have done more than enough for us, thank you" He grinned.

“After I'm done with work, we'll go shopping for the apartment next, yeah?"

“Yes!" Heather screamed from behind them with bright eyes making them chuckle.


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