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Loving my Rejected Luna novel Chapter 87

Kiara immediately regretted every word that came out of her mouth the minute she saw the hurt in Levi's eyes but it was too late to take it back.

The drive back to their old apartment was silent because no one knew what to say at the moment. Kiara kept glancing at Levi with guilt in her eyes but Levi didn't one glance at her.

When they finally got to the apartment building, she let out a sigh then turned to him.

“I'm sorry for the harsh words I uttered towards you, I just… I'm just really tired and all" Levi smiled slightly.

“You were much more rude to me the first time we met so I wasn't offended. Maybe I am crossing my boundary with this but just know that I'm worried about you and would hate myself forever if something should happen to you" She smiled at him then suddenly wrapped her arms around him, catching him off guard.

His eyes widened slightly then he wrapped his arms around her tightly.

“I'm actually glad I saved you that day, Levi. You're a good friend" His face instantly turned sour and she didn't need to see his face to know his mood had been dampened. She had to cut off whatever they had going on now before his heart got broken.

She pulled away from him then turned to Heather who was pretending to not listen but Kiara knew she could hear every word.

“Can you both give us some space? I need to talk to Levi alone" Liam nodded then immediately climbed out of the car but Heather was still seated which made Kiara roll at her.

“I said you both, Heather" Heather pouted as she stared at them.

“Why can't I stay? I want to listen to" Kiara sighed as she massaged her temples.

“Please just go" Heather frowned then let out a sigh before climbing out of the car. As soon as she was gone, Kiara turned to Levi but before she could say anything, he spoke.

“You don't have to explain yourself, Kiara because I know you see me as a friend but I'm not giving up on you. I'm going to make you mine, it's going to take time but I'm willing to wait" She frowned.

“But why? They're million girls out there that would be willing to give their heart to you in a second. Why me?" Levi sighed.

“I don't want any girl, I want you. Ever since I laid my eyes on you, I knew you were the only one for me and I'm not giving up till I have you" He muttered and the determination in his voice scared her but she didn't say anything, instead she sighed.

“Trust me, I want to be in love with you, Levi but…."

“Zane still holds your heart, doesn't he?" she pursed her lips.

“It's complicated" He chuckled.


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