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Lucky to be in love novel (Rosiley and Sachin) novel Chapter 11

She barely made a complete sentence and her voice was too low to hear. But Sachin heard EVERY word clearly.

His eyes sparkled for a second, “Are you sure?”

"Yes.' Rosiley nodded with her cheeks flushing like a red rose. She had the delicate features that were too gorgeous to describe in words. Right now she just looked breathtakingly beautiful.

Sachin looked at her and couldn't resist her temptation.,So he came over and said with a smile, ˆI had better follow your advice."

He put down the wine and encircled her waist. Holding her tight, he lowered his head and kissed her.

Boom -

As if something was exploding in Rosiley s head, her mind went blank instantly.

With the aroma of wine, his kiss was gentle and bewitching. Light and deep kisses fell on her soft lips again and again. She completely lost her mind.

Rosiley looked at the man dazedly and couldn† describe the wonderful feeling. She never knew there would be such an intense kiss that was both gentle and possessive, almost driving her crazy.


The word came to her mind. His kiss was like the drug to her. She had no choice but to get drowning and addicted.

Rosiley was not sure how long the kiss lasted. Before she lost her breath, Sachin finally let go of her.

He looked down at her fervently but didnt do anything further.

Rosiley leaned on Sachins chest and was out of breath. After a while, she recovered and said, "Thank you."

She appreciated that he stopped at the right time.

Sachin was fighting back the urge to taste her again and again. He said in a desirable way, "You are welcome. Good things need to be savored step by step. As for more, we can continue it later."

Rosiley laughed, "You are not the same as l heard before."

"Really? What did you hear about me?" Sachin lifted his eyebrows curiously.

"Mysterious and low-key, serious and cool, resourceful and determined, way out of my league.'

"What about now?”

"You are not as unapproachable as I thought."

Sachin looked at her with deep eyes, 'Ïm only showing you the real me. While I give the cold shoulder to the strangers.


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