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Madam Winters’s Fight For Her Children novel Chapter 1143

Chapter 1143 “He can‘t approach people easily, and he can‘t handle sudden swings in his mood?” Ninian muttered, while she recalled the situations where Everett had avoided her.

“It turns out...” Was this the real reason why he had avoided her?

So he had fallen for her for a long time, but he still stayed away from her to protect her?

“Grapie, I can‘t agree with you being with such a dangerous person.” Melody held Ninian‘s hand and seriously said, “You‘re our little princess whom we pamper. You‘re innocent, kind, and naive. You‘re not suitable for that kind of complicated guy.”



“Mel...” Ninian snapped out of her daze, and she absentmindedly said, “Did you know? I took the initiative to confess to him. I pursued him, while he had been avoiding me before that. I joined the entertainment industry and got bullied. It‘s he who has been protecting me, but he kept staying away from me. Do you know why? “Because he couldn‘t let me get hurt,” as Ninian spoke, the listlessness in her eyes faded, and she looked serious. “Mel, I don‘t know when he started falling for me, but I have a gut feeling that he fell sick three years ago because of me. He has been protecting me with his own methods, and he is reluctant to hurt me, so I believe him. Since he

promises to be with me, it means he is confident. I trust him. I will stand firmly with him and accompany him to fight against anything.”

Melody stared at Ninian in awe, and there was a strange look in her eyes.

Was this their obedient and soft youngest sister? Was this the little princess whom they were afraid of her being hurt, bullied, and wronged? She had already grown into an adult without them realizing it. She was tender and determined. She was kind and firm. She had her own thoughts, she was opinionated, independent, and mature.

She had someone whom she wanted, and she made her own decisions. Even after learning of the difficulty , she did not step back. Instead, she bravely stood out and was willing to bear it all and be responsible.

This bravery and steadfastness from her younger sister impressed Melody

Madam Winters’s Fight For Her Children Chapter 1143 1

Madam Winters’s Fight For Her Children Chapter 1143 2

Madam Winters’s Fight For Her Children Chapter 1143 3


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