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Madam, Your Ex-Husband Is On Call novel Chapter 116

Chapter 116 Still Alive

He ran in, immediately lifting Anastasia from where she was huddled against the wall. His eyes revealed an unmistakable panic, and his hands quivered noticeably.

"Anastasia, don't scare me. You're safe now..." He stammered, calming her as she was about to pass out. It seemed as if he was also trying to comfort himself.

His chest was warm and cold, like a slab of ice that won't melt. Even though she was afraid of getting frostbite, she yearned to be closer.

He dashed outside with her in his arms, his voice cold and shaky.

"A doctor, get a doctor quickly..."

Christian was panicking like never before, devoid of his usually composed demeanor.

He was slightly surprised at the profound fear that had engulfed him moments ago.

Especially when he saw her gasping for air amidst the smoke in the room, it felt like someone had violently tugged at his heart, about to rip it apart, causing an indescribable pain that seemed to shift his entire being.

At that moment, Anastasia couldn't quite put into words the feelings swirling within her. A complex emotion spread into her heart, causing an intense stinging sensation that made breathing difficult.

Her love for Christian ran deep, yet her hatred for him for the pain he caused her was just as profound.

Ultimately, Christian had repaid the life debt he owed her.

She then fell into complete unconsciousness.

Anastasia was then admitted to the hospital. She had suffered a mild case of carbon monoxide poisoning from excessive smoke inhalation. After receiving emergency treatment, Anastasia had only regained consciousness after two days of coma.

Opening her eyes, she found herself in an unfamiliar room that smelled faintly of disinfectant, with white curtains framing her field of vision.

Derek leaned in, gently stroking her hair. His voice was tender and cautious as he said, "You're awake. Are you feeling unwell? I'll call for the doctor."

He then quickly fetched the doctor, and only after the doctor's assurance that there was nothing serious did he let out a sigh of relief.

"You scared me to death, and mom and dad as well. They kept asking about your condition every two hours. I was at my wit's end!"

Anastasia had managed a smile, pulling at the corners of her lips.


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