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Madam, Your Ex-Husband Is On Call novel Chapter 125

Chapter 125 Exchange of Interest

Anastasia's heart sank but didn't show any expression on her face.

She should have known his position. He would clear the way for Beatrice without hesitation.

However, she actually held a tiny hope that he might change.

Yet, he was tolerant of Beatrice with no bottom line.

Her lips curled into a sneer, and she said, "100 million dollars."

Christian did not hesitate and agreed immediately, "Deal."

Beatrice couldn't go to jail now, and the money was for Anastasia.

He was willing to give any amount to her, and she was finally willing to ask him for money, which shows that she started to care about him.

Christian felt relieved.

He immediately took out his phone to transfer the money, and almost at the same time, Anastasia received the transfer information.

But from Anastasia's point of view, they were indeed true love as he was willing to spend 100 million dollars for Beatrice to save her from the complex situation.

She looked at him with cold eyes and said, "Exchange of interests, huh? It's fair enough."

Christian paused, and his expression became less grim, and said, "Now, don't you be angry anymore. You have taken the money and beat her. You two are even now."

He let Anastasia make a move in front of them just to let her vent her anger.

As for the waste case of the lighter with Anastasia's fingerprints that the assistant discovered from the scene of the burned studio that morning, he had already had it disposed of.

He would not leave any clues that would lead to her.

She must have felt his considerate and caring for her.

That 100 million dollars was worthy spending.

Anastasia turned around and left without saying a word.

Just then, Emma happened to approach, chasing after them, panting.

"Chris, why did Anastasia leave?"

Christian pursed his lips and looked at her.

"Go. Help me to coax her for me."


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