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Madam, Your Ex-Husband Is On Call novel Chapter 154

Chapter 154 Great Benefit

Tobias secretly apologized to Christian in his heart.

He really needed Christian to forgive him for what he was about to do.

He approached, intending to lift Christian's arm. However, his arm was unusually heavy, as if he were intentionally pressing it down with force.

Tobias winced in pain.

Anastasia was still waiting by the door for them to leave.

Tobias bit his lip, contemplating lifting Christian from the front. Although Tobias wasn't as strong as him, he managed to drag Christian out of Anastasia's doorway.

Christian's entire body leaned heavily to the side, and Tobias had no choice but to release his grip.

But the next second,

Anastasia shut the door, locking them outside.

Christian slowly opened his eyes.

He locked gazes with Tobias for a few seconds, and Tobias could sense his raging anger, as if he wanted to strangle him.

He nervously explained, "Anastasia, she threatened me..."

But Tobias had to admit that Anastasia had kept her secret well.

And once again, he was impressed.

Christian nonchalantly adjusted his clothes and gave a cold snort. Without saying a word, he turned around and entered the elevator.

Tobias couldn't help but follow.

"Christian, the car is waiting outside..."

He knew he had messed up Christian's opportunity and angered him terribly.

Early the next morning.

Steve arrived at Tobias's neighbourhood with some documents.

Tobias saw him from the car and waved happily, "Steve, why are you here? Did Christian sleep well last night?"

In fact, he just wanted to ask if Christian had cooled down!

Steve smiled as he approached, handing over a check and a key, "Mr. Patterson instructed me to give these to you."

Tobias was puzzled, not knowing why he had suddenly received an award.

"That's very kind of him..."

He glanced at the check, which was worth 20 million dollars.


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