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Madam, Your Ex-Husband Is On Call novel Chapter 174

Chapter 174 Let's Talk

"What Ms. Martinez?"

Christian looked a little puzzled and dazed.

Anastasia stared at him briefly and realized he didn't know it.

Anastasia felt more puzzled. If it wasn't Christian, who was the guy to take Jane away?

Christian raised his eyebrows, "Are you jealous?"

Anastasia withdrew her gaze, cursing inwardly, "Damn it. What a ridiculous understanding ability!"

Christian reached out to take the bag in Anastasia's hand, couldn't help laughing, and said.

"Let's go. My car is only for you."

Anastasia paused and was about to refuse. Eleanor got drunk and couldn't help but fall asleep, leaning on Anastasia's shoulder.

Anastasia sighed helplessly. Now calling the driver would probably be too late. So she had to bother Christian.

Christian went over to press the elevator. Anastasia helped Eleanor into it.

Night fell.

Eleanor was lucky to have passed out. Otherwise, she would have made a massive fuss about that slap in the face.

Christian was driving. Anastasia and Eleanor were sitting in the back.

"Where does she live?" Christian asked.

Anastasia paused, "Stay with me."

Christian was a little unhappy. It was inconvenient for Eleanor to live there.

But he didn't say anything.

Anastasia helped Eleanor upstairs. Christian followed behind, not intending to help.

He didn't even want to touch other women.

However, as Anastasia came out of the room, she sighed with relief, seeing Christian was still there.

He sat in the living room and poured himself a glass of water, looking like the owner.

"Why haven't you left yet?" Anastasia asked.

Christian rolled up his sleeves, exposing his graceful arms, and slowly poured Anastasia a glass of water.

"Let's talk?"

Anastasia frowned and walked over.


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