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Madam, Your Ex-Husband Is On Call novel Chapter 184

Chapter 184 Don't You Know My Skills?

But Christian did stun for a moment, his gaze fixed on her.

"You are thinner."

Julian coughed heavily from the sidelines. No wonder Christian, a germaphobe, would offer to shake his hand. Did he have ulterior motives?

As soon as he coughed, Christian let go of his hand.

Anastasia stifled a roll of her eyes at what he had just done.

But Christian's brow overflowed with a faint smile.

She was so cute!

Everyone exchanged a few greetings then they took the caddie's clubs.

Julian wanted to play and smiled.

"Let's play two shots first. We'll get back to business."

Christian's investments, apart from finance, were mostly in the high-tech and industrial sectors, and he seldom ventured into investments in the entertainment industry.

What annoyed him the most was that those who had connections came in and messed up the crew.

However, he came to Julian's party, for what purpose he was still unknown.

It was very likely that he thought the prospects of the entertainment industry were very promising.

Anastasia didn't play in the first round but stood under the umbrella to drink water.

Christian came out from the crowd, his aura was refined and dignified, and his gestures were indifferent but gentle.

"Anastasia, come back to me. The company and I need you."

At Starlight Entertainment, she could not show her talent there. And he could provide her with a broader platform.

Anastasia paused, chuckled, and looked at him.

"Go back and be your assistant? Sorry, I'm not interested in that."

Her abilities went far beyond the duties of an assistant.

Christian frowned. Of course not.

Just as he was about to speak, Anastasia walked towards Julian.


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