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Madam, Your Ex-Husband Is On Call novel Chapter 19

Chapter 19 Are You Crazy?

As soon as he left, Patrick breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help complaining.

"Where did you find a person like this? Beatrice is such an actress. I've been in the industry for so many years, and no one dared to set me up like that!"

Anastasia smiled awkwardly.

She admired Beatrice very much. She must be really smart to make Christian trust her without a bottom line.

No one wanted to stay anymore.

Anastasia and Kevin arranged for someone to send them away.

The two were the last to leave.

As soon as she got off the elevator, Anastasia's high heels were accidentally stuck there. Kevin immediately supported her and then squatted down to take out her shoes.

Anastasia breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

"Thank you, Kevin."

Kevin looked at her smile and immediately lowered his head in embarrassment.

"Anytime, Ms. Graves."

This scene was seen by Christian, who was not far away, and his face darkened.

In the next second, he strode over.

His tall figure suddenly appeared in front of her, and Anastasia was startled.

Seeing clearly that it was him, she frowned slightly and became a little vigilant.

"Mr. Patterson, you haven't gone back yet?"

It was so late. How could he let Beatrice go alone?

Christian glanced at Kevin unkindly, with a bit of coldness in his eyes.

"It was Derek before, and now it is him. How many men are you planning to date?"

Tobias said that she was talking with a man, and it should be this man.

He didn't even know where the anger in his chest came from.


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