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Madam, Your Ex-Husband Is On Call novel Chapter 29

Chapter 29 Not His Child

They all then directed their gaze toward the source of the sound.

They saw Jaxon standing there with a cold smirk on his stern face. He had a phone in his hand, and it turned out that he had been filming for quite some time.

Seeing this, Beatrice slumped back instantly, her face turning ashen. She then tightly gripped her clothes, and in the next second, her eyes rolled back, and she passed out.

As soon as Christian looked up and caught sight of Jaxon, his expression froze briefly. He squinted his eyes, giving off an air of scrutiny and sharpness. "Jaxon?" he questioned.

It appeared as if he knew the other's whereabouts.

"Mr. Patterson, long time no see. Wait, we've never met before."

Jaxon's eyes darkened as he wore an unfamiliar smile. He softened the coldness in his gaze, presenting himself rather amiable.

Despite their striking resemblance, it was easy to discern their distinct differences.

Christian exuded a cold indifference that kept people at a distance.

On the other hand, Jaxon had an enigmatic and mysterious personality that was difficult to decipher, sometimes appearing distant and surprisingly approachable.

Without wasting any time, Jaxon put his phone away and approached Anastasia with determined steps. He offered her the phone, saying, "I recorded everything in full. I think you might need it."

He had no intention of engaging in small talk with Christian.

Anastasia paused briefly, a bit surprised, but then smiled gratefully.

"That's not necessary. I don't need to justify myself to anyone," she said.

With a soft chuckle, she turned and walked away, not bothering to look at Christian.

Jaxon gave a slight smirk and then followed suit.

A split second later.

Out of nowhere, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. Causing Anastasia tensed up, ready to pull away, but Jaxon whispered, "Don't you want to deal with that woman?"

Anastasia was momentarily startled by what she heard.

She then turned her head to look at him. Her bright and clear gaze held a hint of cold scrutiny.


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