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Madam, Your Ex-Husband Is On Call novel Chapter 54

Chapter 54 Anastasia Angered Lamia on Purpose

"Does she want to prove that she's doing well now?" Christian thought.

With a slight smile, Anastasia sounded very polite and sincere.

"I'm here to congratulate you and witness this important moment by the way."

Christian's jaw tightened.

The indescribably complicated sourness was in his heart.

Derek, next to Anastasia smiled calmly and interrupted them, "Today, the scene is really grand and extravagant. When you got married, the wedding ceremony wasn't on such a scale, was it, Mr. Patterson?

"It seems that the successors of the Patterson Group are indeed memorable. I will be able to attend your wedding ceremony again soon, Mr. Patterson!"

Christian frowned fiercely. He looked over with cold eyes, and his face was instantly chilled.

What Derek said was the truth, but Christian felt unhappy to hear it.

Christian quickly turned to look at Anastasia. There was no flaw on her face. And she smiled casually as if she didn't care at all.

"Mr. Patterson, there is someone I know over there. I'll have to go to say hello. So excuse me."

Derek took Anastasia's hand and walked past Christian to head in another direction.

Some traces of regret flashed across Christian's heart. "Why didn't I give her a wedding back then?" He thought.

Anastasia glanced around. When she saw the person she wanted to see, her smile gradually deepened.

She let go of Derek's hand and said in a low voice, "Derek, I'm going to the bathroom."

Derek nodded.

She turned around and walked in another direction. She saw Lamia, who was surrounded and flattered by the crowd.

Lamia was dressed luxuriously and had a smile. When she saw Anastasia walking toward her, her smile stiffened.

Then her eyes revealed disgust and disdain unabashedly.


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