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Madam, Your Ex-Husband Is On Call novel Chapter 60

Chapter 60 She Still Didn't Forgive Him

Beatrice raised the wine glass in her hand and was about to throw it toward Anastasia.

But before the wine glass was thrown out, Derek kicked her on the calf.

Beatrice was in pain and knelt on the ground. Her face turned pale, and she groaned in pain.

Seeing it, the people around her all took a step back.

No one went to help her.

Within an hour, Beatrice suddenly dropped from a member of the Patterson family to a person hated by everyone.

Anastasia walked to Beatrice slowly with a faint smile.

She squatted down and said mockingly, "Ms. Cohen, your scandal was exposed. Why did you blame it on me?

"It's a pity that you can't marry into the Patterson family, isn't it?"

Anastasia's tone was indifferent and casual.

Beatrice glared at her with resentment and fear in her eyes.

"It was you who bribed Wonder Dance. It's you!"

Anastasia stood up and smiled with contempt.

"How can I have the ability to bribe such a famous crew? It's you who wants to take advantage of it, but they don't want to have anything to do with you at all!"

Anastasia didn't lower her voice, so everyone could hear it.

Beatrice's face distorted in anger. She pounced on Anastasia, but Anastasia dodged quickly.

Anastasia took a step back calmly, and Beatrice fell to the ground again, looking very embarrassed.

Christian had looked at the scene iwith annoyance. He stepped forward with an oppressive chill, pulled Beatrice up from the ground, and threw her to the security guard rudely.

"Take her away."

His tone was deep and impatient.


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