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Madam, Your Ex-Husband Is On Call novel Chapter 66

Chapter 66 Admit It

"Ms. Graves, did you hurt your foot?"

Before Jaxon came to her, he had seen Christian squatting down, pinching her ankle to observe the injury.

Jaxon's brows and eyes sank slightly, and there was a bit of coldness in his eyes.

Anastasia felt uncomfortable watching Christian squatting down to touch her ankle. She wanted to retract her foot but felt severe pain when she moved it.

He held her ankle and raised his head. His cold aura remained undiminished.

"It's twisted. Go to the doctor first."

Anastasia frowned but still resisted and took a step back.

"Don't worry. I'll go back and deal with it."

But Christian didn't give her a chance to refuse at all. His arms directly passed under her waist and hugged her up.

She struggled a bit, but his arms wrapped around her tightly, and he strode out.

"Christian! Put me down..."

Christian's face was dark, with a bit of coldness in his eyes.

"Do not move."

With some warning, he put her directly into his car door and then slammed the door shut.

At this time, his facial features revealed his emotions. He was extremely indifferent, looking at Jaxon with intense indifference and hostility.

"Mr. Stanford, I won't bother you. I will send her back."

Jaxon's face lost all superficial politeness, and he narrowed his eyes.


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