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Madam, Your Ex-Husband Is On Call novel Chapter 93

Chapter 93 Cannot Get Over It

The moment Anastasia saw Jaxon, she was astounded for a moment.

Then, Jaxon walked over with a smile and gentle brows. He greeted everyone with a dignified and calm aura and finally looked at Anastasia with a slight curvature of his lips.

"Anastasia, are you surprised?"

This was a surprise only for Anastasia.

Everyone looked back and forth between the two of them with envy and confusion.

Anastasia froze for a moment, then stood up and said with a smile, "It indeed is a pleasant surprise, Mr. Stanford. I didn't expect you to come to inspect your project in person. No wonder you can make a fortune!"

Jaxon smiled happily and did not explain further.

Besides Anastasia, the mysterious guest who suddenly appeared was Jaxon, a foreign financial tycoon.

The two people in the same picture gave people the impression of a gorgeous and perfect couple. They could almost see the sparks between the two of them.

This clip was broadcast live on the Internet and instantly aroused heated discussions.

"Why do I feel that Jaxon came here for Anastasia?"

"Am I the only one who thinks they look perfect together?"

"Anastasia became so beautiful after divorce!"

"Stop talking and be with each other. I'll give my share of wedding gifts!"

At the Patterson Group.

Christian was in a meeting, and the department head's report was nothing exciting. He took his phone and clicked on the link sent by Tobias.

As a result, he saw this video clip and the comments below...

Anastasia... Since when were they on a first-name basis?

In an instant, his face darkened in an instant, and he stood up suddenly, causing the chair to make a lot of noise.

Everyone was shocked, and the face of the head of the department turned pale, and he could not even speak properly.

Christian walked out with a grim face, called Tobias, and said in a cold voice, "What's going on? Where did this come from?"

Tobias smiled and replied enthusiastically. "They should be participating in a show, but Jaxon clearly went for Anastasia. The affection in his eyes is overflowing."


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