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Madam, Your Ex-Husband Is On Call novel Chapter 96

Chapter 96 Double-faced

She always easily aroused his anger, but his rationality calmed him down.

She was just stubborn. He should forgive her!

Christian did not dare to speak again for the rest of the journey.

They arrived at the hospital and went directly to the VIP floor. The doctor greeted them with joy on his face.

"Mr. Patterson, Mrs. Grace Patterson woke up for a while, but now she fell asleep again, which is normal.

"We have checked, and the congestion in her brain has dissipated. Go and have a look. I believe she will recover completely in a short time."

Christian's frown relaxed, nodded lightly, thanked the doctor, and then walked to the ward.

Anastasia followed closely behind.

In the ward, Grace's condition had stabilized. Her complexion was ruddy and serene. Clearly, she was recovering well.

Standing outside, Anastasia also let out a long sigh of relief.

If something happened to Grace, she would feel horrible for the rest of her life.

Then, they listened to the doctor talk about Chad's condition, which was more serious.

Not long after, James and Lamia also came.

Lamia pretended to be very concerned and sad and started crying while standing outside the ward.

If Anastasia had not heard her calling and cursing Grace on the phone, she would really have believed in Lamia's acting.

Seeing that the two of them were here, Anastasia did not want to stay any longer.

She simply turned around and went downstairs.

While standing downstairs and making a call, Lamia chased her down.

Lamia's complexion was very hostile, and her critical eyes scanned Anastasia.

Anastasia glanced at her lightly without any emotion in her eyes.

"Mrs. Lamia Patterson, what is it?"


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