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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 2476

chapter 2476

After Old Master Graham read Daniel's message, he was so angry that his eyes were wide open.

‘ He just got out of the hospital and he ran away for a woman?

‘He even said that if he can't marry that woman, he won't get married in the future?’

Old Master Graham would never allow such a thing to happen.

However, when he thought about it, he still felt a little nervous.

If Daniel really did not get married because of this, would this not be the end of the Graham family?

‘I can’t let this happen.’

After Ava ran out, she went to find Daniel in all the places she could think of. However, after spending the entire morning, she still could not find Daniel.

She tried to call Daniel, and although the call was connected, it was always unanswered.

As time passed, Ava felt very tired, she sat down on the chair by the roadside and watched the street where people came and went. Then, a deep sense of loss welled up from the bottom of her heart.

‘Dan, have you decided to just give up?

‘Are we just going our separate ways just like this?’

Ava asked herself silently. The dazed feeling at the moment made her feel very helpless and confused.

At this moment, Madeline called.

Ava picked up her phone and informed her of Daniel’s current situation. After Madeline learned about it, she rushed to the place where Ava was.

When Ava saw Madeline, her eyes were red.

Madeline hurriedly comforted, saying, “Ava, I think Dan is just acting on a whim. He won’t really give up on you because of this.”

“He will.” Ava took a deep breath and calmed herself down. “His family definitely won’t accept me, especially Dan's mother. A lot of things have happened these days, and they’ve all caused his family to have a deeper prejudice against me.”

“What happened had nothing to do with you. You’re the victim.”

“But they don't think so. They think I'm a bringer of misfortune who implicates Dan time and again,” Ava said with a sigh.

Suddenly, she pulled the corners of her lips into a smile. “Perhaps, Danny and I are not destined to be with each other and I shouldn't put him in the difficult position of a middleman.”

Madeline understood what Ava meant, but she still wanted to persuade Ava.

“Ava, no matter what, let's find Dan first. Even if you two really part ways, he has to give you a clear explanation instead of just walking away like this and escaping the problem.”

Ava nodded in agreement, she looked as if she was relieved and smiled. “Maddie, you’re right. Since we’re going to part ways, then we should make it clear and give each other an explanation.”


The readers' comments on the novel: Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman