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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Call Her Lina From Now On

Catalina furiously grabbed that jacket and tried to throw it back to Bennett. However, she realized why he had done it when she looked at her clothes: she was in a total mess.

Catalina's cheeks turned red instantly.

When she turned to face the man who had thrown her the blazer, she noticed he had returned to the restroom.

Catalina's heart began to race. In embarrassment, she wrapped the blazer tightly around herself and fled the room as quickly as possible.

When she left the room, she was surprised to notice that all the men were staring at her like a spotlight.

Darnell locked his gaze on her as if his eyes were x-rays attempting to see through her.

Catalina was embarrassed, but she had no idea what to say.

Catalina pretended she didn't see them, then quickly bolted away while lowering her head.

She left the villa in a hurry without even changing her clothes. Emery was serving coffee to a guest when Catalina entered the front room, but she dragged her away anyway.

"What happened? You got the evidence?" Emery asked suspiciously.

"Stop asking! Just go."

Catalina and Emery stood on the side of the road to hail a cab.

However, many taxis drove right by them without stopping. They seemed to be all booked up.

"Lina, you don't need to be in such a rush. Did they caught you while you were filming? No, that won't be the case. You couldn't have escaped safely if you had really been caught."

Catalina had no idea why she was in such a hurry. "It's not like he'll come after me anyway." She thought to herself.

"Whose blazer is this? It appears to belong to a man."

Emery asked after noticing the jacket.

"Could it belong to that big shot? Wow! He's so sweet to you!"

"This blazer is from the top luxury brand amiu! Oh my goodness! They only do haute couture, and a suit will set you back several hundred thousand dollars! Is it true he gave you his jacket? I still can't believe it!"

Catalina knew that Bennett was wealthy enough to live extravagantly for the rest of his life, but she had not anticipated his jacket to be so pricey.

"Really, Lina, he gave you his blazer? Is this a sign that he's interested in you? You don't have to work anymore if this is the case. You'll be living a luxurious life if you can be his lover."

"Don't be ridiculous!"

Catalina patted Emery on the back of the head as if trying to wake her up from her daydream. "May I stay the night at your house?"

She knew she wasn't prepared to confront Bennett.

"That won't be a problem!"

Emery smiled and made an "OK" gesture to her.

A taxi with red lights slowly drove down the street from across the way. Upon seeing the cab pull up, Emery shouted, "Here!"

The next thing they knew, a black Bentley pulled up in front of them.

Catalina and Emery both took a step back in shock.

A well-dressed man stepped out of the car as soon as the passenger door was opened. "Ms. Grant, please get in," he said as he opened the back seat door with a bow.

Catalina's heart started racing because she had been in a similar situation before.

Emery let out a shocked gasp and stared in disbelief at what was happening.

Catalina got into the car after she realized she wouldn't be spending the night at Emery's house.

Emery was stunned for a long time and hurriedly got in the car when she noticed Catalina had already done so.

"Lina, please pinch me! I'm not hallucinating, am I? Here I am, riding in a million-dollar luxurious car."

Catalina was in no mood to reply to Emery's joke.

Catalina noticed that the limousine she was riding in was the second in a line of vehicles, and a dozen black limousines followed her.

The limousine in front of them was significantly more expensive and luxurious than the one she was on.

Catalina had a feeling Bennett was in the car in front of them.

Emery soon realized the same thing, so she leaned close to Catalina's ear and whispered, "Is that big shot sitting in the car in front of us? Who is he, anyway? Look at all those fancy cars!"

Catalina shook her head without saying anything.


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