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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 100

Chapter 100 It Has to Be You

Catalina took a deep breath, feeling as if all her strength body had been drained. She felt weak all over, tight in her chest, and painful when breathing. And the scene in front of her eyes had also become dim.

Hearing the water flowing, she knew Bennett was still taking a shower. But she couldn't stay in the lounge anymore. If she stayed any longer, she might suffocate at any time.

When she ran out of the lounge as if escaping, Vincent noticed her pale face and worriedly asked, "Mrs. Shaffer, are you OK?"

"I'm fine." Catalina said with a pale face, "Vincent, I have something urgent to do, so I must leave now. Thank you very much. I will buy you dinner when you have time."

After finishing speaking, she quickly walked away.

Vincent was confused, thinking she looked weird.

Had Mr. Shaffer bullied her just now?

Fifteen minutes later, Bennett came out of the bathroom and said, "Hand me my..."

He stopped talking before finishing his words because he found she was not in the lounge. Then, he said with a frown, "Vincent!"

Hearing this, Vincent quickly pushed the door open and asked, "Mr. Shaffer, what can I do for you?"

"Where's Catalina?" Bennett asked with a gloomy face.

"She said she had something urgent to deal with and left."

Bennett was speechless. He knew she would not be obedient!

Very good! She thought she was fully fledged and wanted to learn to fly now!


After leaving Spring Fall, Catalina returned home to take a shower and then went to the company.

After entering Felix's office, she presented the document with both hands and bowed to apologize, saying, "Mr. Tate, I'm sorry. But I really can't complete the task of interviewing Bennett Shaffer. Please entrust it to a more capable colleague!"

Felix was taken aback by her solemnity, so he quickly got up and said, "Lina, you don't need to apologize. It's normal to fail a task. Don't take it to heart."

While speaking, he took the document from her hand.

Catalina hurriedly bowed again and said, "Thank you for your understanding."

Felix was unwilling to give up, so he asked, "Are you sure you can't interview him?"

"Yes!" Catalina affirmatively nodded.

"Fine!" Felix finally gave up and said, "You have a wide network, so I thought you could handle it. Since it doesn't work, I won't push you too hard. I will let a more experienced person have a try! If it still doesn't work, I will cancel this interview."

Catalina could hear the disappointment in his tone but forced herself to ignore it.

After coming out of the office, she let out a long breath, feeling as if she had gotten rid of a heavy burden.

Glancing at the new wound on her arm, she recalled how Bennett had applied the medicine to it and suddenly wanted to cry.

She asked herself to wake up because he was in love with her best friend Claire. She should not have pestered him like a simp on the pretext of work.


Felix then assigned the task of interviewing Bennett to Nylah who was a capable employee in the editorial department.

Nylah was bold, vigorous, and resolute while working.


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