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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 104

Chapter 104 Put It on for Me

"Jealous? Am...Am I crazy? Am I jealous of her? I...I just... I just thought that the tie she gave you is so expensive, more than three million! What about mine? It's no match for hers. How could I give it away? Besides, I think you like it very much. You have been wearing the same tie for two days in a row. Aren't you a serious clean freak? Why did you suddenly stop being a clean freak when it was a tie she gave you?"

"That's because an idiot praised that tie that day!"

"Which idiot..." Catalina choked up halfway through.

Suddenly she realized that this idiot... seemed to be a little bit like her.

Seeing her dazed look, Bennett was amused.

He held her head tightly with two big palms and said, "Have you figured it out? You idiot!"

"You... you're an idiot! You let go." Catalina blushed.

Bennett chuckled and let her go, "So, everyone loves beauty. Since it looks good, why can't I wear it for one more day?"

Therefore, he had been wearing it for an extra day only because it was beautiful, not because Claire had given it to him, let alone because Catalina thought it looked good.

All right! Catalina touched the tip of her nose.

The tie thing should stop here!


"Well, the tie thing is just a misunderstanding! But what about the ring around your neck?" Catalina pointed to Bennett's neck.

Through his shirt, the ring could still be vaguely seen.

Apparently, after taking it off last time, he had put it on again.

This was better proof of how much he cherished this ring.

"If you don't like Claire, why have you been wearing the couple ring you gave her around your neck? I saw this ring last time. You engraved both your initials and her initials on it. You have already done this for her. Are you still going to say that you don't like her?

Bennett covered the ring on his chest with his hand, staring at her with burning eyes, "Are you sure you see the initials on the ring?"

"Well..." When asked by Bennett, Catalina became uncertain, and she blinked guiltily, "Could it be... there is someone else?"

Unexpectedly, Bennett nodded and stared at her with a rare serious expression, "There is indeed someone else."

Catalina froze in astonishment.

Bennett folded his arms and stared at her, "Catalina, please use your stupid brain to think about it carefully. I received thousands of love letters from Claire when I was in school. If I like her, would I have treated all those love letters as trash and given them to you?"



If he liked her, he would have cherished them very much like the diamond ring around his neck.

So, the girl Bennett had in mind wasn't Claire?

Then, who could it be?

Could she be more beautiful than Claire?

Of course, this was for sure!

Catalina somehow felt a little jealous.

Catalina had never figured out why Bennett had given her all the love letters he received at that time.

He hadn't even read any of them.

However, these were not important anymore.

Catalina tried her best to ignore this so-called "someone else", "Forget it. Whether the girl you like is Claire or not has nothing to do with me. Let's talk about the interview, shall we?"

As soon as Catalina said it, there suddenly came a polite knock on the door.

Then Vincent opened the door and came in, "Mr. Shaffer, what you want has been found."

Catalina turned her head, "So fast?"

"Bring here!" Bennett ordered.

His eyes lit up slightly.

"Yes." Vincent approached holding a gift box and handed it to Bennett.


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