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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 106

Chapter 106 Warren Is Waking up

Bennett frowned slightly.

A complicated faint gleam quickly flashed across his deep eyes.

He pressed his lips in silence.

His face was expressionless.

"Bennett, are you reluctant to part with Catalina? Are you in love with her?"


Bennett denied coldly.

Catalina got out of the car and arrived at the ward. When she was about to push open the door and enter the room, she heard the conversation between Darnell and Bennett.

Her hand abruptly froze on the doorknob.

Her face turned pale instantly.

Her heart seemed to be hit by a big hammer.

The conversation inside the room continued.

"Bennett, can't you tell me at this point why you married her back then?"

"I didn't marry her."


Darnell was shocked.

And so was Catalina outside the door.

"My marriage with her is no more than a guise."

Bennett said calmly as if he was talking about the weather today.

He fixed his eyes on Warren's thin face. "My brother lies in bed for four years because of her. How can she be my wife? I trap her with me by this means. How can she marry someone else when Warren is lying in bed? If Warren wakes up and wants her back, I will return her to him."

Catalina shed tears quietly outside the door.

It turned out their marriage didn't exist from the beginning.

It turned out this was the real reason he kept her with him.

He even said...

If Warren woke up, he would return her to his brother.

In this case...

Why did he sleep with her on the wedding night?

How could he say he would give her back after having sex with her? Did he think she was not embarrassed enough?

Catalina thought, "Bennett, what on earth do you think I am? An object you can take and give?"

She clenched her fists.

Her heart seemed to be cut open, and blood trickled continuously...

The pain was suffocating.

Catalina turned to stride away.

She went fast as if a ferocious beast was chasing her.

"Bennett, Warren is reacting again. Look, his hand is moving. He reacts when we talk about Catalina."

Darnell shouted with excitement in the ward.

Bennett sensed the finger in his palm quiver.

It was a tiny movement.

Darnell continued to shout, "Warren cares about Catalina."

Bennett frowned and suddenly felt depressed.

He could hardly breathe as if there was a boulder on his chest.

Bennett put Warren's cold hand under the covers and said, "Darnell, tell my parents that Warren will wake up soon."

"Okay, I'll call them right away."

Darnell nodded.

Bennett got to his feet and looked down with complicated eyes at Warren, who lay in bed quietly. He said with a frown, "Take good care of Warren. Don't let anyone with ill intent approach him. Moreover, double the security guards here just in case."

"Okay, I'll do that."

The news of Warren waking up would shake the financial industry in the city.

Many people would divert their attention to the hospital and watch over them.

After Bennett gave the instruction, he turned to stride away.

"Bennett, where are you going? Don't you wait for your parents to come?"

"I will take a business trip and come back in three days."


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