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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 110

Chapter 110 I'll Sleep Here

The four walls of the villa were made of glass.

The villa overlooked the lake on three sides. There was a wooden bridge over the lake.

The inside of the villa had a simple light-colored design of modern style. There was an open kitchen, a spacious living room, and a bedroom.

Yes, there was only a bedroom.

Catalina walked around two times and confirmed that.

At this moment, Bennett was working in the living room.

He seemed to have tons of work.

Catalina frowned and stood at the bedroom door. She glanced inside and looked at Bennett. In the end, she couldn't help saying, "There seems to be only one bedroom."


Bennett said curtly and flipped through the file in his hands.

"How should we sleep?"

"I think the bed is big enough."

Catalina was speechless.

Was it a matter of the size of the bed?

Catalina said helplessly, "There is only one bed, but there are two of us."

"I think I've made it clear to you."

Bennett finally looked up from the file and glanced at her. "The bed is big enough for the two of us."

Catalina widened her eyes in disbelief, "Do you mean we are going to sleep in the same bed?"

"I won't have any objections if you want to sleep on the floor or on the sofa."

Bennett lowered his head again.

Catalina was speechless.

She didn't want to sleep on the floor or on the sofa.

Catalina decided not to talk about this with him for the time being. Anyway, it was too early to sleep.

It was bright outside.

Catalina found it curious.

They set off in the afternoon and took a flight for five hours. She fell asleep in the car later. It should be late now.

Catalina looked up at the clock on the wall.

"It's nine o'clock at night. Why is it so bright outside?"

Catalina said in disbelief.

"The sun sets after 10 pm and rises at 3 am."

"The sun sets after 10 pm and rises at 3 am?"

Catalina leaned against the glass wall and enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the sun setting. "This city is wonderful. Don't we just need to sleep three or four hours a day?"

If they only slept for three or four days, one day would seem long.

Three days with Bennett would be longer than she had thought.

"That's great!"

The glass wall reflected Catalina's bright smile. "I like it here. It's like a paradise."

Bennett turned his head and looked at the girl leaning against the wall.

The setting sun cast an orange glow in his cold eyes, which seemed to glint with warmth.

"Bennett, what's that?"

Catalina found a sacred place in the yard.

She pointed excitedly at the old Sophora tree outside the window. "There is a tree house up there. Can I go up and take a look?"


Bennett replied, "But you must..."

Before he finished, she shot out of his sight.

Bennett shook his head helplessly.

He looked down at the file in his hand again and whispered his unsaid words, "Be careful."

He heard Catalina laughing in the yard.

Bennett couldn't read a word on the file.

After he forced himself to read for a while, he gave up.

He closed the file and went out of the villa.


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