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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 118

Chapter 118

Catalina quickly apologized, "I didn't mean to blame you. I was just too anxious and my tone was harsh. Please don't take it personally. Which hospital is Grandma in now? I'll go there right away."

Keira told her it was the same hospital as before.

In a hurry, Catalina hailed a passing taxi and headed straight to the hospital.

When she arrived, Maggie had already been taken out of the emergency room and transferred to a regular ward.

She was still unconscious.

There was an oxygen tube in her nose and an IV drip attached to her hand.

Nurses were monitoring her heart rate at the side.

A few doctors were gathered outside the ward, discussing something in low voices.

Upon entering, Catalina saw the frail appearance of her grandmother, and her eyes reddened.

Seeing Catalina, Keira quickly stood up and asked, "How is your brother's condition?"

"He's fine. He didn't commit any crime, so he won't go to jail. What about grandma? How is her condition?"

"The doctors are still discussing it."

As Keira spoke, she wiped her tears, "It's like it never rains but it pours. Your brother's issues haven't been resolved, and now your grandmother is back in the hospital. It's really unsettling..."

Keira's unintentional words caused Catalina to be taken aback.

It never rains but it poured?

Could it be that all of those were orchestrated by someone with ill intentions behind the scenes?

While Catalina was thinking about it, a doctor asked seriously from the ward's entrance, "Who is Maggie's family member? Someone who can make decisions."

"It's me."

Catalina hurriedly stepped forward.

"Come with me to my office."


Catalina anxiously followed the doctor into his office.

Once they were in the room, the doctor told Catalina honestly, "Maggie's condition is very critical this time. The medicine we've been using for her suddenly ran out nationwide. Now, we have to import it from abroad, but even with expedited shipping, it might take three or four days. However, without the medicine, it's uncertain if Maggie's body can endure."

"How could this happen?"

Catalina's face turned pale and asked, "How can it suddenly run out while nothing special happen?"

"I'm not sure either. They said there was a problem with the supply chain. It just happened today, and we find it strange too!"

"It just happened today?"

Catalina's face turned even paler.

Could it be that all of those was orchestrated by someone with ill intentions behind the scenes?

Otherwise, how could all these events happen so coincidentally?

"Isn't there any other medicine that can substitute for this one?"

"Of course, there are alternatives, but those medicines are too mild for Maggie and they won't be effective."

"How could this happen?"

Catalina was anxious. Her eyes turned red and she asked, "If there's no medicine, how long can my grandmother hold on to it?"

"Probably not more than two days. What I mean is... The family needs to be prepared mentally."


Tears flowed uncontrollably from Catalina's eyes.

She grabbed the doctor's hand in desperation and begged, "I can't do it. I can't prepare for this mentally! I want to save her. Please, doctor. I am begging you..."

The doctor let out a long sigh and answered, "One can't make bricks without straw! The discontinuation of this medicine is too strange and no one has expected it."

"The medicine..."

Catalina suddenly realized, "Yes, the medicine! Whoever arranged this must have the medicine."

"What do you mean?"

The doctor was confused.

"Doctor, please stabilize my grandmother's condition. I'll go find the medicine right now!"

After saying that, Catalina ran out of the office.

"Hey, where are you going to find the medicine?"

The doctor chased after her in bewilderment. "You don't even know what medicine you need!"

However, Catalina had already disappeared from the corridor.

She knew where she should go to find the medicine.

Sandal Villa.

It must be the lady from Sandal Villa!

Catalina hailed a taxi and headed straight for Shaffer Mountain's Sandal Villa.

Sitting in the car, she tightly held her phone and her fingers turned pale.

Her mind was engaged in a constant tug-of-war.

Should she reach out to Bennett about that matter?

Would he be willing to help her?

Should she make the call or not?


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