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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 123

Chapter 123

Catalina was startled and abruptly opened her eyes, sitting up straight.

She followed the sound and saw a tall, black figure standing on the balcony.

It was Bennett.

When did he stand there?

Did he come before her?

Catalina hadn't noticed anyone else in the room at all.

Bennett leaned against the railing, facing her.

With one foot on the ground and the other swinging around, he seemed lazy and elegant.

Between his slender fingers, there was a lit cigarette.

The spark at the end of the cigarette flickered in the wind.

The smoke rose slowly but was quickly dispersed by the wind.

In Catalina's eyes, his beautifully sharp features were sometimes clear and sometimes blurry.

Tears kept swirling in her eyes, but she forced them back.

Bennett's cold voice sounded again from behind the light gray curtain, "Is that why you're here, just to tell me this news?"

The wind blew and lifted a corner of the curtain, covering half of his body.

In the darkness, his expression was unclear.

Catalina forced herself to smile. "Yes."

She responded, stood up, and walked closer to him.

Leaning against the doorway, 3.3 feet away from each other, she looked quietly at him, hidden in the night. "I wanted to let you know as soon as possible, but you didn't care."

She pretended to be relaxed, smiling slightly.

It seemed as if she didn't care about anything.

But only she knew how difficult it was for her to say those words.

She couldn't help but think, if he had given her a chance on the phone, would today be different?

But in this world, there were no ifs.

Across from her, Bennett's gaze lingered on her with a dark and heavy look.

His lips tightened. He didn't speak, but silently extinguished the cigarette in the ashtray, bit by bit.

Then, he reached out and pulled Catalina, leaning against the doorway, onto the balcony.

In the next second, with a loud bang, she was slammed against the wall, with his body firmly pressed against hers.

Catalina didn't expect this at all.

A hint of panic flashed across her face. "What are you doing?"

Her breath became instantly chaotic.

Her heart involuntarily skipped a few beats.

Bennett closed the glass door beside him and locked it.

His gaze was chilling as he stared at her, interrogating from a higher position, "Why?"

"Why what?"

His sudden closeness caused Catalina's brain to malfunction.

His warm and moist breath brushed against her nose, making her heart beat faster and her consciousness more confused.

Catalina turned her face away, avoiding his proximity.

This man was too dangerous for her.

But Bennett didn't give her any chance to escape. With one hand supporting himself against the wall and the other gripping her chin, he forcibly turned her face toward him, making her face him. "Why did you agree to marry my brother? Catalina, do you love him?"

Bennett's voice was completely hoarse.

His gaze burned into her.

Catalina's heart trembled. "Yes, I love him..."

Apart from saying 'love,' what else could she say?

Should she tell him that she was forced into it?

Or tell him that he is the man she truly loves?

And then what?

Smoothly receive his humiliation?


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