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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 125

Chapter 125

Darnell saw Bennett's thin lips pressing down, but suddenly, his robust body fell down and completely collapsed onto him.

Darnell: "..."

Did he luckily escape a disaster?

Darnell covered his small mouth, still frightened.

Damn it.

He was so close to being taken advantage of by Ben.

Oh my god.

"Ralph, why are you still standing there dumbfounded? Hurry up and get him off me. He's so heavy-"

"Oh. Okay..."

Finally, Ralph snapped back to his senses from his astonishment.

Together, they lifted the unconscious Bennett and made him sit.

Darnell was covered in sweat.

Of course, half of it was from being scared.

He gasped for breath.

Ralph felt a bit embarrassed. "Mr. Wyatt, please don't misunderstand. Mr. Shaffer mistook you for Mrs. Shaffer, and he definitely didn't have any other intentions towards you..."

Darnell: "..."

He thought how he could misunderstand that Ben had intentions for him.

Darnell glanced at the man slumped on his shoulder and sneered, "Ralph, now that you mention it, I've never slept with a man..."

Ralph heard this and was scared. He quickly moved Bennett away from Darnell's shoulder and said, "Alright, Mr. Wyatt, it's getting late, and you should go back. I will take care of Mr. Shaffer properly."

Darnell smirked.

He got up, clapped his hands, and left gracefully.

"People laugh at me for being crazy, and I laugh at them for not seeing through..."


What a drama king.

After Darnell left, Ralph called someone to help carry the drunk Bennett to Sophora Villa.

Although Mr. Shaffer had been in a bad mood before, this was the first time Ralph saw him so drunk.

Whenever Ralph thought about what Darnell said about Mrs. Shaffer in Seraphic Mansion, he couldn't help but sigh and shake his head.

"Hailee, go and invite Ryker here. Tell him that Mr. Shaffer is drunk and needs him to sober up."

Ralph ordered the maid of the Lake Compound.


Hailee received the order and hurriedly left.

After a while, Ryker arrived carrying a medicine box in his hand.

He also had some medicine packets in his hand. "Prepare a medicine bath for Mr. Shaffer. It won't take long for him to sober up."

Ralph quickly arranged for Bennett to have a medicinal bath.

"You all can leave. I will take care of him."

Ralph dismissed the others.

In the spacious white bathtub, Bennett closed his eyes and soaked in it.

Ralph sat beside him on a wooden chair, holding a cane, silently watching the person in the bathtub.

With a concerned sigh, he said, "Why are you still so stubborn when you're already in your twenties? Originally, she had an engagement with Mr. Warren. Why do you have to meddle between those two?"

"I've watched you growing up. I know your small thoughts very well. You say you hate her, but deep down, you actually like her. You say you will marry her to bully her, but I know that you are just unwilling to accept the fact. Furthermore, you don't want the girl you like since childhood to suddenly become your brother's woman, right? By forcing her into marriage, you're trying to fulfill your dream, aren't you?"

"You know that the two of you won't have a future together, yet you still insist on it. You're just being foolish. Even without Mr. Warren, you and Catalina wouldn't have a future anyway."

Ralph let out a long sigh. "You are the esteemed Mr. Shaffer, but what about her? She is just an ordinary girl. You two are incompatible in terms of social status and connections. There will be endless conflicts, even if you force her to be with you. Most likely, even if you get married, you will end up divorcing. And let's talk about your mother. Don't you understand Mrs. Carolyn's temperament? You are the heir of Shaffer Group. Do you really think she would allow you to marry Catalina? To put it harshly, Mrs. Carolyn might not even allow you to marry that girl as a mistress in the future. Finally, you will only end up hurting yourself."

"Ralph, don't you think you're talking too much tonight?"

Suddenly, a gloomy voice came from the bathtub.

After that, Bennett, leaning against the tub's edge, slowly opened his eyes.


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