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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 127

Chapter 127

Catalina wanted to change her mind and dig up her memories, but ultimately, she held back.

Once a decision was made, there was no room for regret.

However, Catalina didn't know that when one tries to forget a memory, they remember it even more clearly.

When one truly forgets someone, he or she may suddenly think of that person at some point.


Catalina stayed in Seraphic Mansion for half a month.

During this period, Warren showed no signs of waking up.

Wesley Shaffer, Warren's father, came twice, and Darnell also came often.

When Darnell came, he never treated Catalina friendly. He used to talk to her, but now when he saw her, he didn't even greet her, treating her like a stranger.

And Bennett?

He went to Gilburgh and still didn't return.

Moreover, there was no news of him.

Even Emery couldn't find out any information about him.

He seemed to have suddenly disappeared from this world.

Until Emery couldn't help and started to make a fuss with Catalina, "Lina, did Bennett come back from Gilburgh? Why was there no news about him online now?"

"I don't know."

Catalina's attitude was cold and indifferent.

She buried her head and focused on writing.

"Why do you have such an attitude? He is your husband after all. Don't you care at all?"

Catalina's writing paused slightly.

"Or did you two fight again? But aren't you living well in Sophora Villa now?"


Catalina's hand holding the pen tightened.

"What's going on?"

Emery wanted to get to the bottom of it.

Catalina couldn't hide it any more and pretended to be calm, "Now I am his sister-in-law. I don't live in his Sophora Villa any more, but in his brother's Seraphic Mansion."


Emery exclaimed, her eyes widened, and her jaw almost dislocated, "You... you are Bennett's sister-in-law now? Did you marry his brother? Are you crazy? What kind of messy relationship is this? No, you are amazing. Both men in the Shaffer family are interested in you? Lina, let me see what extraordinary abilities you have. This is too incredible. Can you teach me?"

Emery turned Catalina around to face her.

Catalina felt helpless, "Emery, stop making a fuss..."

"It's not me making a fuss but you. Lina, what are you up to? Did you really marry his brother?"

"...We are engaged."

Catalina answered weakly.


Emery was so shocked that she couldn't say a word.

After a long while, she gave Catalina a thumbs up, "Really, you are the most amazing woman I have ever met. Your life was completely a legend."

"You think I want to? Forget it. Let's not talk about it and focus on work."

"You don't want to?"

"If you were me, would you want to?"

"Do you think I have the luck for that?"


Catalina sighed.

Talking about these things made her eyes involuntarily wet.

Catalina sniffed, "Anyway, from now on, don't mention anything about Bennett in front of me. I don't want to know and I don't care..."

Emery glanced at her and couldn't help but mutter, "If you really don't care, why won't you let me mention it? The more you say I can't mention him, the more it shows that you care."

Emery hit the nail on the head.

Catalina's eyes became even redder.

So what if she cared?

Did caring bring her out of the current situation? Did caring mean she could have him?


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