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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 132

Chapter 132

Bennett looked surprised and gloomy.

He thought, "How could Lina tie me a bow for girls?"

When Catalina closed the door, Ralph approached her with nervous steps. "How's it going? Mr. Shaffer didn't embarrass you, did he?"


Catalina shook her head.

"That's good."

Ralph nodded reassuringly. "It's proved that my idea works. Mrs. Shaffer, only you can make him obedient."

Catalina was embarrassed. "I just did something."

She just fed him some water and blindfolded him.

"Mrs. Shaffer, later, you may have to take a sponge bath for Mr. Shaffer..."


Catalina was shocked. She shook her head and waved her hand to reject.

Her face flushed scarlet. "No, I really can't do this..."

"Mrs. Shaffer, you are the only one who can do this. Mr. Shaffer doesn't allow others to touch him, not even me. I took a sponge bath for him while he was sleeping these two days. When he woke up, I was driven away. He insisted on doing it himself."

Catalina was silent.

She felt speechless.

She thought, "This guy acts like a kid!"

"Babies will cry if their parent shave their heads or cut their fingernails in front of them. Parents only can do it while their babies are sleeping soundly at night."

"Now Bennett is just like these babies."

Catalina still refused. "No, I can't do it."

She pursed her red lips and then said, "Anyway, I am Bennett's sister-in-law to be in name. Between the sexes, there should be a prudent reserve. According to my relationship with him, I'm not suitable for doing this. You'd better do it in person! What's more, I'm a woman, and Bennett won't be obedient."

Catalina had broken her rule by promising to take care of Bennett.

And now she was asked to take a sponge bath for him. How could it be?

Catalina clenched her lower lip at the thought of Warren lying unawakened in the hospital bed.

Yes, Catalina couldn't let herself make the same mistake four years ago.

"All right then."

Considering Catalina's identity, Ralph couldn't continue embarrassing her. "Then I'll go while Mr. Shaffer is asleep. Mrs. Shaffer, since you've been busy all day, have a rest."

"I'm fine. I'm not tired."

"I'll arrange dinner for you later."

"OK, thank you."

At the moment, Catalina was hungry.

Just now Catalina was only focused on taking care of Bennett and forgot about having dinner.

Ralph arranged dinner for Catalina.

After dinner, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

The sun had not yet set, but a group of doctors in long white coats arrived outside.

Catalina knew them.

She had seen them.

They were the medical team that Darnell led to Starham Mountain for assistance last time.

Ralph thought Catalina didn't know the team, so he quickly introduced them to her, "This is Mr. Shaffer's exclusive medical team. They are all the world's top doctors. Mrs. Shaffer, with them to escort Mr. Shaffer, you can rest assured."

"Bennett's exclusive medical team?"

Catalina was surprised.

Bennett didn't say that last time when he was in Starham Mountain.

Catalina said, "Isn't it Darnell's team?"

Ralph said with a smile, "It isn't Mr. Wyatt's. They have always served Mr. Shaffer."


"Always only for Bennett?"

"In Starham Mountain last time, then why..."


"How could Bennett?"

While Catalina was thinking, the doctors had already come to her. They respectfully greeted her, "Good evening, Mrs. Shaffer."

"Good evening!"

Catalina quickly nodded and said, "Thank you for treating my injury last time and for your free assistance. Thank you very much."


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