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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 134

Chapter 134

Bennett's eyes stared at her like a searchlight, as if to peep into the depths of her heart.

Catalina hurriedly turned her head and licked her lips. "Now it's all settled. What's the point of asking it?"

Catalina did not intend to answer.

But Bennett didn't intend to give up.

He turned her face, his head slightly lowered, and his breath approached her. "You are not willing!"

Bennett's tone was firm.

Catalina looked at him and bit her pale lower lip. "Whether I am willing or not, I have chosen Warren..."

"Has Carolyn forced you?"

Bennett had no extra patience to listen to her say these damn declarations. "In that case, why don't you beg me?"

"Beg you?"

Catalina's eyes were slightly wet and her eyebrows frowned. "How can I beg? Be humble and then exchange it for your 'never be related'?"

She did not forget the three words he said to her when she called him for help that day.

Never be related!

Bennett felt stuffy in his chest, which heaved for a while. He frowned deeply. "Did you call me that day to ask for help?"


Catalina bit her lower lip and did not hide it from him.

She almost cried.

"Why didn't you say?"

Bennett was annoyed. "I just said "never be related" in a rage. You could still beg me, but you would rather marry Warren."

"You're making a false countercharge. Bennett, you can't be so bad! Don't you want me to give up my self-esteem and cry and beg you?"

"You are worse, Catalina!"

Bennett gritted his teeth and complained loudly, "You wouldn't even beg me, but you'd rather marry a man you don't love at all! Maybe if you ask for my help, I will try my best to help you. Do you know it?"

Bennett's words shocked Catalina completely.

Her eyes widened, her eyes trembled, and her tears burst out like broken beads.

"Why ... Why?"

Her voice was still shaking.

She could not believe what she had just heard.

He said that he would try his best to help her.

Wasn't it a dream?

Bennett paused in his voice and turned sideways. "I won't force you. You've chosen your own future."

He always believed that she had never intended to betray Warren.

What was more, he believed that no matter four years ago or now, she was not willing to marry Warren.

Especially on this last point, Bennett could not deceive himself even though he was unwilling to admit it.

When he knew that Catalina was only forced to get engaged to Warren, and even called him for help before that, he was very excited about either of these two points.

Like when he was a child, Catalina stuffed a box of candy into his desk for the first time.

He just repressed and never wanted to show his mind!

Bennett stared at her. Through her clear eyes, she seemed to see the young and innocent girl again.

Wouldn't it be great if time could be turned back?

If time went back, he would try to prevent the absurd wedding four years ago.

No, he would go back to the previous night and do everything to protect her. He would never let any bastard bully her and sully her!

Catalina curled up in the chair, holding her legs in her hands, her chin on her knees, and her eyes looking straight at him.

She thought that the most absurd thing she had done in her life was to make love with Bennett on the eve of her wedding four years ago.

And this was also the least regretful thing she had done in her life.

Even later, she paid a lot for it.

But she never regretted it.

Catalina and Bennett were separated by a short distance. Their eyes met intimately, and neither of them avoided.

It seemed that there was strange and subtle affection between the two people, quietly flowing and pervading.

At that moment, Catalina had an illusion, as if she saw herself blushing and nervous in his faint eyes.

This night, it seemed calm, but not calm.


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