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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 149

Chapter 149

The computer in front of him was playing a restored surveillance video.

Exactly, he knew all about it!

In the evening.

Both of them returned to the residence.

Catalina was standing in front of the closet packing clothes.

Bennett held her waist from the back tightly and said, "Would you like to tell me in detail about that night four years ago, what we both actually went through? After I knew about it, I did go crazy."

Catalina was stunned.

Although she felt panicked, she pretended to be calm and said, "I don't even understand what you're saying..."

While speaking, she did not dare to look at him with her eyes wandering.

It was the manifestation of feeling guilty.

"Do you still want to continue to conceal it?"

Bennett came closer to her and said, "Catalina, I have known all about what happened that night."

Catalina's face became sometimes red and sometimes pale. She was driven to duck her head back slightly and said, "What... What do you know?"

Bennett said, "That night, the woman who slept beside me, was not Claire, but you. It was you who acted indecently!"

"No, you..."

"You still want to make excuses?"

Catalina was speechless.

She certainly wanted to argue!

Because it wasn't her, but him, Bennett, who acted indecently that night!

She didn't know why she became the one to blame.

Catalina knew that she couldn't hide it anymore, so she had to give up and yield, "How did you know about it? Who told you?"

"So, are there many other people who know about this?"

"It's not a lot of people. Just... Claire, and Warren. And, it seems like your mom also knows about it."

"There are that many people who know about it, but you only kept it from me?"

Bennett's face looked pretty bad.

"I'm also surprised that while so many people know about it, the one involved himself didn't know about it."

In Catalina's words, there was a strong note of irony.

Then she continued, "You still haven't told me how exactly you knew about this, and what does this have to do with the injury on your back?"

"I suddenly thought of it by myself."

"You thought of it by yourself?"

Catalina did not believe it and asked, "Didn't you forget it long ago?"

Catalina had already seen what he was like when he was drunk and blacked out.

That was quite impressive!

Bennett took her hand to press it tightly onto his sturdy chest and said, "Is it that if I can't think of it on my own, you're going to keep it from me for the rest of my life?"

"How can it be possible for you to think of it on your own?"

Catalina was sure that someone had told him the truth.

Bennett clutched her with one hand, and with his other hand suddenly holding her slender waist, he easily carried her. In the next second, Catalina was sitting on his lap.

Catalina didn't expect him to do this. She was shocked and said, "Bennett, what are you doing?"

She was in a panic and wanted to get away, but Bennett didn't give her the chance and said, "Don't move. I'm still injured!"

"You know you're still injured? You should be the one not to move! Let go of me. Let me get up!"

Catalina pretended to be angry and glared at him.

Her cheeks were flushed.

However, Bennett's hand had already touched her long legs. When she was off her guard, he lifted up the hem of her dress, revealing the pink birthmark.

Catalina blushed and slapped his hand doing bad in anger, "Bennett, what exactly are you doing? You are a rogue!"

Hearing that, Bennett didn't get angry but laughed instead. He got closer and kissed Catalina on her red lips without saying anything, "I remember it. The crescent-like lips! That night, I kissed it many times."

Catalina was stunned.

Her heart skipped a beat.


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