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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 25

Chapter 25 Catalina's Condition Got Worsened

"That's impossible. Impossible..."

Catalina quickly denied her thought.

In the next second, she walked to the edge of the lake and walked down the steps. She waved her hand into the lake and tried to make the ugly doll move in her direction following the water's movement.

It was cold winter. The temperature of the water was cold. Within a few seconds, Catalina's hands turned red due to the coldness.

However, she didn't seem to feel the coldness at that moment. She didn't even care if the water was splashing on her. She just couldn't wait to get the doll back.

When Wendy rushed back with the tools, Catalina had already successfully salvaged the ugly doll from the water.

She went back to the room with the wet ugly doll in her arms.

"Mrs. Shaffer, you're soaked!" Wendy was concerned about her.

"I'm fine."

Catalina was looking for a hair dryer as soon as she returned to her room.

"Stop drying it up. Why don't you just change your clothes?"

Wendy naively thought that she wanted to dry the clothes on her body.

"I'm fine. Let's dry it first!"

Catalina turned on the hair dryer and blew on the ugly doll while saying, "It needs to be completely dried. Otherwise, it will get mildewed within a few days."

Seeing how Catalina was taking care of it carefully, Wendy smiled gratifiedly, "I just see how you fight with Mr. Shaffer all the time, and I thought you really didn't care about each other!"

Catalina stopped blowing the doll when she heard those words.

She was in a trance for a while.

Then, she heard Wendy continue, "Look, a rag doll reveals the feelings between you two."

"Our feelings?"

Catalina smiled awkwardly and continued to blow the doll in her hand, "What kind of feelings do we have? I don't have any feelings toward him and he would never feel anything about me too."

"Well, you can keep telling yourself that naively. Let me help you to dry it up. You should go to change your clothes now. Otherwise, your flu might get worsened."

Wendy took the hair dryer from Catalina and said with a smile, "Mrs. Shaffer, you are right. The doll made by Mr. Shaffer is really ugly."

Catalina went inside her dressing room to change her clothes and said, "Don't you afraid that he might listen to this and ask you to leave again?"

Wendy stuck out her tongue playfully and asked with a cheeky face, "Mrs. Shaffer, do you want to name this doll?"

Standing in front of the full-length mirror, Catalina blurted out, "The Ugly Doll."


Wendy held the doll in one hand and the hair dyer in the other, standing in front of the dressing room, and said, "The Ugly Doll? Are you not afraid that Mr. Shaffer might find out?"

"That's the truth!"

Catalina walked out of the dressing room and continued, "It's ugly."

Wendy was speechless.

She didn't know what to say.

She couldn't help but wonder what happened to Mr. Shaffer.


In the past two days, Catalina's condition had improved significantly after taking the medicine on time.

Unexpectedly, her condition deteriorated rapidly after the incident with the doll during the daytime.

At night, she couldn't stop coughing and her temperature soared to over 104 °CF.

Wendy was terrified. She went to look for Ralph and Dr. Hood hurriedly.

After Ralph got the news, he rushed to the Lake Compound immediately.

"Mr. Shaffer!"

He stood outside the room and greeted Bennett respectfully.

Inside the room, Bennett responded in a deep voice, "What's the matter?"

"Mrs. Shaffer's condition is getting worse. Wendy said that she is having a high fever and it is going up more than 104 °CF. Her cough is getting worse. Would you like to go and check her out?"

Bennett's movement of turning the pages of the book froze slightly.

The next moment, he resumed his movement and said, "No."


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