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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 34

Chapter 34 A Promise

Catalina immediately denied her idea.

She said to herself in her heart, "Who is Bennett?

He had just thrown his temper at me about this a few days ago, so how would he suddenly change his mind?

Also, with his status, he would not condescend to visit my grandmother in person, would he?

But if it's not him, who will it be?"

"I feel that your handsome husband is familiar. I seem to have seen him somewhere before. Has he been here before?"

Hearing this, Catalina was stunned for a moment.

"Can it be Aaron?" she thought.

Catalina frowned at the possibility.

Then she quickened her pace subconsciously.

On the one hand, she firmly believed that it was Aaron. She thought maybe he came to apologize because of his guilt.

On the other hand, she was still expecting the so-called "boyfriend" to be Bennett.

Catalina walked quickly to the ward.

When seeing the scene inside, she was stunned for a moment.

Except for Maggie in the hospital bed and her aunt who was busy peeling fruit at the bedside, there was no one else.

Aaron was not there.

Of course, Bennett wasn't there as well.

But somehow, Catalina still felt a faint sense of loss.

She thought, "What am I thinking?

How could I possibly think that the visitor was Bennett?"

Catalina sneered at her overconfidence in her heart.

"Why are you standing still here? Go in."

A deep and thick male voice suddenly sounded above Catalina's head from behind.

Catalina was startled.

When she looked back, her eyes lit up unconsciously, and her pupils dilated.

To her surprise, the man standing in front of her was really Bennett.

Bennett held the kettle in one hand and put the other in his trousers pocket. He looked down at her and asked, "What are you looking at? Am I so attractive?"

Catalina didn't speak.

She felt that Bennett was as conceited as ever.

The warm winter sun filtered through the stained-glass windows of the ward and fell on Bennett's tall body, looking like it had draped him in a misty gauze of gold.

He was like a god who exuded a natural light. He was noble, arrogant, and dazzling. He was completely incompatible with the simple ward and the kettle in his hand.

Suddenly, Bennett leaned over, bent his finger, and knocked on Catalina's forehead. "Continue appreciating me after we go home."

Catalina shrank her head in shock, and her watery eyes brightened a little.

Bennett's finger seemed to have tapped on the pool of her heart.

The placid surface of the pool instantly rippled because of him.

When she finally calmed down, Bennett had already bypassed her and entered the ward with the kettle in his hand.

"Lina, what are you doing there? Come in quickly!"

Maggie happily greeted Catalina standing at the door.

Hearing this, Catalina finally came back to her senses.


She called Maggie in a sweet voice and walked in.

However, she was still very suspicious.

She thought, "It's hard to understand why the man who blew me out of the room with a cold face the other day suddenly took the initiative to show up here.

What's more, he even helped Grandma fill the water kettle.

This was not what this superior young master would do.

Even Aaron would not do such a thing when he came to visit Grandma before."

Thinking of this, Catalina couldn't help glancing at Bennett again.

At the bedside, Bennett leaned over and whispered to Maggie. While he was inquiring after Maggie's health, he interpreted with great accuracy the identity of a grandson-in-law.

Catalina could see that Maggie was delighted to see him.

Her heart was filled with warmth in an instant.


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