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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 39

Chapter 39 Bennett is My Husband

Next day, on the 28th floor of the Shaffer Group.


Vincent knocked on the door of the CEO's office tremblingly.

"Come in."

A low voice answered from inside.

With scalp tightened, Vincent opened the door after taking a deep breath.

The reason for being so nervous was that the man inside wasn't emotionally stable.

"Mr. Shaffer."

Vincent stepped forward respectfully, sizing up the man in front of him without leaving any trace.

He was concentrating on reviewing documents.

Because Bennett lowered his head, Vincent was not sure what kind of emotions were hidden in the pupils behind his lens.


Bennett didn't lift his head.


Vincent swallowed nervously, "Well... CCTV's business interview wants to invite you to..."

Before Vincent finished speaking, Bennett raised his head.

A pair of cold eyes under the lens stared at him, making him instantly feel like he was being watched by the King of Hell.

It sends shivers down his spine.

Vincent shivered and swallowed, "Yes, I know, Mr. Shaffer never accepts interviews, including cctv, so I will reject."


Bennett said suddenly.

"Ah?" Vincent was stunned, thinking he had heard wrongly.


Was it really "go" that his boss said just now rather than "fuck you"!

Bennett continued his work with head bowed, and he ordered, "I can spare a quarter of an hour thirty minutes later."

"Ah! Yes! I will arrange it immediately." Vincent came out of the CEO's office, still feeling like he was in a dream.

What happened? Could it be that the danger alert has been lifted?

When did this happen? Last night?

Vincent looked back at the closed wooden door behind, still feeling unbelievable.

He was really curious that who on earth had such an ability to calm down this furry lion overnight.

But on second thought, there would be no one except Mrs. Shaffer of Sophora Villa.


Vincent quickly took out his mobile phone and sent a messgae to the stagnant work group: The super danger alert on the 28th floor has been completely lifted!

"Long live!"

An excited carnival came from the twenty-seventh floor downstairs.

All the employees of Shaffer Group were passing on the message.


In staff cafeteria of Sayton Magazine

"Wow! Lina, my husband, look at my husband!"

Catalina was having meals, when suddenly Emery alongside her excitedly elbowed her.

Catalina was elbowed so hard that she almost choked over her food in mouth.

When did she have a husband?

"Don't just eat, watch TV!"

"What? Why are you so excited?"

Catalina followed the direction she pointed, but she was so frightened that she covered her mouth and coughed after seeing the handsome and cold ascetic face on the TV screen.

On the TV, there was none other than...

Catalina's husband, Bennett!

In front of the camera, he wore a navy blue suit, which was of fine texture, without any wrinkles.

He had broad shoulders, narrow waist, straight back and a good temperament.

He was a man of extraordinary beauty and wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. He looked capable, calm, but cold and abstinent, making it difficult for one to get close. Also one would be afraid to get close, but couldn't help but want to.

Such image of him was really far from the arrogant and domineering image at home.

So that was what he looked like in the workplace.


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