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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 44

Chapter 44 I Like You

Aaron was taken aback.

He immediately stepped on the brakes. With a "crack", the tires rubbed on the ground, left some marks, and the car finally stopped.

His head almost hit the steering wheel. His right hand subconsciously protected Catalina, who was in the passenger seat as he was worried that she would have flown out.

Fortunately, she had her seat belt on.

Catalina frowned slightly in discomfort, but she didn't wake up.

On the other hand, Emery, who was left alone in the rear seat wasn't that lucky.

That sudden break directly threw her out. With a "bang", she hit hardly onto the back of the seat in front which caused her to howl in pain.

Aaron was about to get out of the car and talked with the other car.

But he saw that someone from the opposite car had already stepped out of their car.

That was Vincent.

He got out of the car and respectfully opened the rear door.

Bennett strode out.

His aura was strong.

Aaron was shocked.

He couldn't believe what he had seen.

Wasn't that Bennett who came out of the car?

What was he trying to do?

Aaron was holding the steering wheel with his hand and he couldn't help but broke into a cold sweat.

The next second, he pushed the door open and got out of the car.

When he was about to step forward, Vincent came over unexpectedly to block his way.

Bennett turned a blind eye to him.

With a gloomy face, he strode towards Catalina, who was in the passenger seat.

He bent down, unbuckled her seat belt, and wanted to carry her away.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he stretched out his hands, she suddenly woke up.

"Don't touch me!"

Catalina pushed the man in front of her drowsily and said, "I won't go with you. Let me go. I won't go with you..."

At that moment, Catalina, who was so drunk mistakenly thought that the man who wanted to take her away was Aaron.

Bennett suddenly froze from the movement of leaning over to carry Catalina.

He had a frightening frosty look as if it was about to freeze everything around him.


"Aaron Roach!!"

Catalina patted the man in front of her irritably.

Bennett's sturdy body was as stiff as a stone sculpture.

He was holding onto her arms and unconsciously tightened his strength as if he wished to crush her into his arms.

Outside the car, Aaron was happy when he heard Catalina calling his name. He got back into the car immediately and pressed on Catalina's shoulder, "Bennett, didn't your revenge last time enough to appease her? Let her go!"

Bennett looked at Aaron's hand which was on Catalina's shoulder furiously. Then, he looked up and said, "Let go!"

Those words sounded hellacious.

It was as if the most precious thing of Bennett had been contaminated by Aaron.

Aaron immediately withdrew his hand.

Bennett carried Catalina into his arms and strode away.


Aaron followed at their back with a resigned look and asked, "Where are you taking her to?"

Vincent immediately stepped forward and stopped him. He said, "Mr. Roach, please stay away from Mrs. Shaffer in the future. Today's incident is not going to happen again!"


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