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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 50

Chapter 50 There Is Warmth in the Heart 

"I don't need it." 

Catalina refused and returned the medicine to Bennett. 

Vincent held his forehead, showing understanding. 

He whispered, "It would be strange if she used it!" 

Who would use an expired ointment? 

Bennett's face darkened, "Apply it." 

He threw the medicine back onto Catalina's lap. 

"I really don't need it." 

Catalina refused again, "It was just a clip in the fingers and there's no wound. I'm not that dramatic." 

Catalina wanted to return the medicine to Bennett again. 

Bennett glared at Catalina fiercely, "You dare to return the medicine again?" 

Catalina was so angry that her cheeks were puffing, "Even if this medicine is about to expire, you don't have to be this forceful, right?" 

"...I do what I want!" 

This idiot! 

Bennett stared at Catalina fiercely. His expression was almost saying if she dared to disobey, he would swallow her alive. 

Catalina was a little afraid. 

She could not help but admit that she was scared. 

She dared not challenge Bennett's authority. 

In the end, she opened the ointment and reluctantly applied a thin layer on her red and swollen fingers. 

She secretly glanced at Bennett, who was standing beside her. 

Catalina wasn't sure whether what she saw was an illusion. But after she applied the ointment, Bennett's straight face gradually softened. 

Catalina looked back at the ointment in her hands and shrugged her nose. 

"Is this ointment expensive?" Catalina thought. She was amazed that Bennett valued this ointment so much. 

Until they got off the car, Bennett didn't speak to Catalina again. 

"Mr. Shaffer, welcome home!" 

Since a while ago, Ralph had already led the other servants and waited for them respectfully at the entrance of Sophora Villa. 

Bennett briefly answered Ralph and went inside with a cold face. 

Only then did Catalina slowly get out of the car. 

"Mrs. Shaffer." 

When Catalina was about to leave, Vincent stopped her, "I think you should take this ointment with you!" 

"It's not necessary." 

Catalina waved her hand with a smile, "It's just a small injury. It'll heal in a few days." 

"Just take it! No matter what, it's Mr. Shaffer's kindness towards you." 


Catalina felt what Vincent said was funny. 

What kind of kindness was this for Bennett to give her an ointment that was about to expire? 

Vincent said with a deeper meaning, "This medicine still has two years to expire." 

After speaking, he smiled, got back into the car, and left Sophora Villa. 

While holding the ointment, Catalina stood there for a long time. 

The ointment would only expire two years later? 

Then, why did Bennett lied to her? 

All of a sudden, there seemed to be a strange feeling flowing slowly in Catalina's heart... 


There was a saying that absence would make the hearts grow fonder. However, for some reason, since Catalina's and Bennett's parting, they seemed to have come to a tacit agreement. They had become "husband and wife" who treated each other with mutual respect. They treated each other like guests. 

Perhaps, not even that close. 

Their relationships had become more tepid than that. 

It was like a pool of stagnant water that wouldn't even ripple. 

It felt like there was a high wall between the two of them. The wall was preventing them from taking the initiative to step out but also preventing each other from breaking in. 

One night, Catalina was holding her laptop, sitting cross-legged on the living room's sofa to write a manuscript. 

The weather was slowly turning into spring. The heater in the house was still functioning, but the fireplace was not. 

There were thunders and bolts of lightning outside. The weather was a little scary. 


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