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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 57

Chapter 57 I'm Married

"Why are you crying? Who bullied you?"

"Bennett, I'm dying. I'm dying..."

Catalina was sobbing and gasping.

"What happened?"


"What blood?"

Bennett was confused.

Catalina turned her back to him. "My pants are all covered with blood..."

At that moment, Catalina heard Bennett, who had never said dirty words, suddenly curse.

Then, he quickly took off his school uniform and wrapped it around her waist, warning her, "Wait for me here. Don't go anywhere. And, stop crying. You won't die!"

After saying that, Bennett ran out and soon disappeared.

Catalina listened to him and stood still waiting for him.

After hearing Bennett say that she would not die, she shed a few tears and stopped crying.

Soon, Bennett came back panting.

He stuffed a black plastic bag into her arms and gave her his mobile phone.

"What is this?"

Catalina looked at him in bewilderment with her big, watery eyes.

Bennett took a deep breath and pointed to the black plastic bag in her arms. "Sanitary pads. Learn to use it yourself by reading the instructions on the package. I used my mobile phone to search the internet for a relevant article on physical hygiene for you. Go to the toilet and read it for yourself. Go now!"


Dazed, Catalina held the black plastic bag and Bennett's mobile phone and entered the bathroom.

Bennett had searched out a science article on women's health knowledge for her on the mobile phone, and Catalina read it seriously word for word. Then she finally realized that she was grown up instead of being injured and dying.

After a sigh of relief, she felt very shy.

The reason was that she had actually learned such a thing with Bennett's help.

She was really embarrassed by the fact that she even needed him to buy her pads.

Catalina tapped herself on the head.

She felt that she was really lucky to be cared for by Bennett.

Now, as Catalina recalled the days when she was 14 years old again, she had the illusion that time had overlapped.

Looking at the familiar brand of pads in her hand, she smiled.

She thought, "If only time could turn back...

If only that absurd thing hadn't happened between us four years ago..."


As soon as Catalina got off work, her mobile phone rang.

It was a call from her bestie, Claire.

"Dear! I'm back!"

"Really? When did you come back?"

Catalina was a little excited.

After all, she hadn't seen Claire for a few years.

"Almost two weeks ago. Let's have dinner together tonight. I've booked a restaurant."

"OK! Welcome back. Send the address to me, and I'll be right there!"

Soon, Catalina received the restaurant address from Claire. She took a taxi and headed straight there.

It was a Masskarish restaurant that perfectly matched Claire's status as a noble lady and a famous star.

Catalina had never been to such a place because it was expensive.

The average cost was about one thousand dollars, so she naturally couldn't afford it.

"Good evening, Miss. Do you have a reservation?"

As Catalina had just walked to the door, a waiter in the restaurant quickly approached and greeted her respectfully.

Catalina nodded politely. "I'm Ms. Park's friend."

"Okay, this way, please."

Catalina, led by the waiter, came to a relatively quiet private room.

"Ms. Park, your guest is here."

The waiter pushed the door open.


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