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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 66

Chapter 66 Bennett Goes into the Mountain Overnight 

Darnell completely regarded himself as a bystander. 

But Vincent next to Darnell was so anxious! 

Vincent thought, "Mr. Wyatt really can't take a hint. Don't rub it in!" 

Bennett threw the towel in his hand back to Vincent and asked Darnell, "Which mountain did you send her to?" 

"Starham Mountain, why?" 

"Starham Mountain?" 

Bennett frowned. 

Everyone knew Starham Mountain was dangerously steep. 

Bennett stared at Darnell gloomily and threw the racket to Vincent. Then Bennett said, "I'll get even with you later!" 

Darnell was dumbfounded. 

Darnell didn't expect that he would get into trouble because of gloating over. 

"Wait a minute. Ben, I didn't send her there alone. There were still many men!" 

Bennett was speechless. 

Bennett grabbed a ball beside his foot and threw it in the direction of Darnell without looking. 

Bennett was angry and thought Darnell was so stupid! 

Darnell looked at Bennett with an innocent look. 

Darnell thought, "Did I just say the wrong thing again?" 

Bennett sat in the car on his way to Sophora Villa. He couldn't help but take out his mobile phone and googled Starham Mountain. 

Many pictures and texts introduced the steep Starham Mountain. Besides, there was a conclusion that it was difficult to conquer the mountain, and the death toll and casualty toll was high every year. 

Damn it! 

Bennett was so annoyed that he threw away his mobile phone. 

Bennett thought, "No matter how steep the Starham Mountain is and how harsh the environment is, it has nothing to do with me. I don't care about that woman at all!" 


At one o'clock in the morning. 

Bennett was sleepless. 

He couldn't help thinking about pictures and texts of the steep Starham Mountains and that stupid woman. 

Bennett thought, "Catalina, a woman who has no adventure experience, went into Starham Mountain!" 

"It's ridiculous!" 

"What if something really happens? What if she falls or gets sick?" 

"There's no medical condition in that place!" 

The more Bennett thought about it, the more annoying he became. 

Bennett put his cigarette out hard into the ashtray and couldn't help dialing Catalina's number regardless of the time. 

"Sorry! The subscriber you dialed can not be connected for the moment, please redial later." 

"Sorry! The subscriber you dialed can not be connected..." 

"Sorry! The subscriber you dialed..." 



Damn it! 

There was no cellphone reception in the mountains. 

Bennett was a little irritable. 

Bennett had never done one thing repeatedly so many times and had no intention of giving up for the time being. 

Bennett never knew that he had such great patience. 

When Bennett called for the tenth time, the call came through. 


On the phone, there was a sleepy answering voice. 

When Bennett heard it, he knew the person was not Catalina. 

Bennett frowned. 

He was in a bad mood. 

Bennett tried his best to get through the call just for Catalina's voice. 

"Who is it?" 

Bennett asked solemnly with a cold and deep voice. 

There was so much displeasure in Bennett's tone that it was difficult to ignore it. 


Only then did Emery realize that she had answered Catalina's phone. 

"Oh, sorry. I'm Catalina's colleague Emery. I mistakenly thought it was my phone ringing..." 

Emery was too sleepy to speak clearly. 

"Put her on the phone," Bennett commanded with a bad attitude. 

Emery frowned. 

Emery thought, "What's the matter with this person?" 

"He's so rude!" 

Emery pouted and said, "Lina finally fell asleep after taking the analgesic tablets. You can call her tomorrow!" 


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