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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 72

Chapter 72 Give You My Shoes

But Catalina never expected that she...

Catalina's feet slipped and she directly fell into the quagmire in front of her.

Catalina was going to cry because the more Catalina struggled in the quagmire, the deeper she sank!

Catalina's feet couldn't be pulled out at all.

Behind Catalina, the footsteps stopped at some point.

The tall figure stood upright behind Catalina, less than 2 feet away from her.

The figure cast a shadow on the ground, and Catalina suddenly felt cold from behind. She was shaking with fright, and her tears almost rolled down her face.

"I'll give you all my money. Please don't touch me!"

Catalina put her palms together and raised them in front of her forehead, crying for mercy.

Unexpectedly, a cold and familiar deep voice came from above Catalina, "Catalina, are you an idiot?"

Catalina was taken aback.

Catalina thought, "This voice..."

She raised her head abruptly and looked at the man behind her.

Damn it!

"Bennett? Why is it you?"

Catalina was so angry that she almost threw mud at Bennett.

While annoyed, Catalina also breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm not an idiot, but you're! What are you doing here? Why are you following me?"

Catalina turned around with difficulty and queried angrily.

Bennett squatted down and replied, "I want to do nothing to my own wife. I won't drag you into the deep mountains or kill you."

Catalina was speechless and thought, "Such a jerk!"

"And I'm not his wife!"

"We have signed the divorce agreement, okay?"

Bennett glanced at Catalina's feet stuck in the mud and frowned slightly. He asked, "Why don't you come out?"

Catalina was aggrieved and pouted. She replied, "I can't get out. This is a quagmire. The more I struggle, the deeper I get."

Catalina looked at her feet trapped in the quagmire with resentment and continued, "What are you doing here? Why are you following me? Or is it a prank? It's your fault that I fell into this quagmire!"

Bennett thought, "Following her?"

"A prank?"

"Does she really think I'm a lech?"

"I walked such a long way with her, not because I was idle!"

"Try to lift your feet, don't move hard."

Hearing this, Catalina obediently lifted her right foot.

Catalina didn't dare to move hard.

However, even if Catalina didn't move hard, her right foot was still sinking a little bit.

"No, it didn't work. I will keep sinking if I move. I'm screwed. Am I going to die today? I don't want to die!"

Catalina wanted to cry. She glared at Bennett who caused this and then threatened, "If I'm going to die, I'll turn into a ghost and pester you for the rest of your life!"


Bennett replied indifferently, "I'm afraid you won't dare to find me."

Catalina was speechless.

Catalina immediately had a faraway look.

Suddenly, Bennett hugged Catalina's waist with one hand and then carried Catalina in his arms.

Catalina let out a scream.

Catalina, who was in Bennett's arms, was so frightened that she quickly grabbed his windbreaker.

Bennett's feet also successfully got rid of the quagmire.

While Catalina was flattered, her heart was still fluttering with fear.

A blush crept up Catalina's face.

Catalina looked at her bare feet with complicated feelings.

"My shoes..."

Where were Catalina's shoes?

Her shoes had already sunk into the quagmire without a trace.

Catalina leaned into Bennett's arms and asked with hesitation, "Shall I look for my shoes in the quagmire?"

"Do you want to dislocate your arm again?"

Catalina had nothing to say.

Catalina thought, "He's right!"

"If my arm is stuck in it and can't be pulled out, it will really be a big deal!"

Bennett ignored Catalina's shoes stuck in the quagmire. Holding Catalina in his arms, Bennett strode back.

"Where are we going?"


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